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TIMESMAN | My last wish!

THIS may sound weird to some people, but to me there’s nothing wrong if you let your children know ahead of time what to do when it’s time for you to go. Share to them your last wish while still kicking!

I told my children that when I die, I want my remains to be cremated. And my urn will be buried together with their late mother’s remains in an unused memorial plot I bought in the amount of P800 (double interment)) when I was still single in the early sixties. Its current market value is from 50k-60k as told.

Yes, that was more than six decades ago when I planned when, who would be with me and where I should be laid to rest.

But even I, myself, didn’t know when I would permanently leave this world after I asked HIM when I was 60 years old to give me five more years to live to at least enjoy a little more of my retirement years.

God listens, not only five years but HE even granted me more than I asked for. My lady doctor gave me 10 years while Boss Willie wanted me to continue writing with the TIMES until I reached 90. Now, at 82 I’m still driving my car after the LTO renewed my license until 2033 when I will be 92 years old.

A friend on FB once asked me “Sir, what is the secret of your unusually long life?”

And I answered “Siguro si Lord!”

Do not be afraid of death because no one will ever live forever. From dust, we will all return to dust. God temporarily gave this life to us and when HE ever thinks of taking it away from you, even if you say No, HE will still have HIS way.

Siguro, at this present Marcos administration when prices of all commodities – rice, veggies, fish, meat, chicken and even the poor man’s condiment on the table – salt, not to mention the almost daily increase in prices of fuel and transport fares, 101% of poor Filipinos will agree with me that death should not be feared.

In addition to this hike in prices, have you noticed that graft and corruption in all branches of the government are again showing its ugly face, not to mention the almost daily reports in media of the involvements of some policemen and other government agencies in the proliferation of illegal drugs in the country? Yet, our jet-setting leader in Malacanang and his entourage seem not aware of what’s happening around them as they continued enjoying their almost monthly trip abroad at the expense of Juan dela Cruz hard earned money! While the usual alibi of the President is that his frequent trip abroad is to let the world know more about the Philippines, which to some officials in the tourism industry claimed is not the job of a Head of State but the department.

“God, what’s happening to this country?” to quote the late martyr Senator Benigno Aquino Jr.

Anyway, as I’m always saying here, there’s no one to blame but yourself for letting another Marcos rule this country again! Magdusa kayo!


The author of this story I read from Facebook is unknown. I decided to have it reprinted here to remind our young generation of their obligation to their elders that sacrificed for their well being.

“A son took his father to a restaurant to enjoy a delicious dinner.

His father is quite old and therefore, a little weak too.

While eating, food occasionally fell on his shirt and pants.

The other guests watched the old man with their faces contorted in disgust, but his son remained calm.

After they both finished eating, the son quietly helped his father and took him to the bathroom. Cleaned food scraps from his crumpled face and attempted to wash food stains on his clothes, graciously combed his gray hair and finally put on his glasses.

As they left the restroom, a deep silence reigned in the restaurant. The son paid their bill but just before they left, a man, also old, got up and asked the old man’s son “Don’t you think you left something here?”

The young man replied “I did not leave anything.”

Then the stranger said to him “You left a lesson here for every son and a hope for every father.”

The whole restaurant was so quiet you could hear a pin drop!

One of the greatest honors that exist is being able to take care of those who took care of us.

Our parents and all those elders who sacrificed their lives, all their time, money and effort for us deserve our utmost respect.”

May the whole week and the remaining “bers” of 2023 be safe and happy to all my readers!




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