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There’s this one question you might have read on the internet, ‘if you were to live your life all over again, what would you have changed?` From the top of my head, the initial response would be, not to dwell too much time on some of life’s stages. As a rough-draft reply, I feel I have spent too much time, er wasted too much time on being an adolescent. Its distinguishable mark of being overly self-conscious and at the same time irresponsible, was such a drag, it often got in the way of being empathetic to other people’s feelings.

I would have put the immaturity of childhood first, but even by just implying that, it’s a harsh enough assessment so everyone gets a free pass on this. After all, at the stage, we’re still a work in progress as it is. Even in the legalese world, children, depending on their age, are always exempted from certain court actions or decisions. While some laws protecting minors from legal action are unpopular, it’s still like that unbreakable brand of glassware popular long ago, Duralex. Thus, it’s Duralex Sed Lex or “the law may be hard, but it is still the law”.

So, back to my answer to that earlier question, if I had to live my life all over again, what would I have changed? Hands down, its my period of adolescence I hope to work on, if I had to do it all over again. Even taking into consideration it’s another stage of beautiful exploration and discovery of whatever brave new world there is, for me, it still needs much tweaking.

Quite simply, I wish I were less selfish and more considerate back then. Yup, while admittedly, I am still a work in progress even till now, I see young adults sadly having the same attributes. It’s quite common to think that I was once like you are now, and I know that it’s not easy to be calm… (I’m carried away Cat Stevens-ish) but you know what I mean.


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