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Sara wants alternative work arrangement to contain virus




MAYOR Sara Duterte ordered the adoption of other alternative work arrangements in public and private offices effective March 10, 2021.

Duterte signed Executive Order No. 10 Series of 2021, known as “An Order For The Adoption Of Other Alternative Work Arrangements In Public And Private Offices Until After The State Of Public Calamity (Presidential Proclamation 1021 Series of 2020) Is Lifted Or A New Memorandum From the Civil Service Commission (CSC) Or The Department of Labor And Employment Is Issued.”

In her EO, Duterte noted that several offices have seen a clustering of cases and spreading the infection to the household.

“There is a need for massive reduction of individuals inside offices and establishments to ensure that overcrowding, mass gathering, and socialization are continuously prohibited,” she said, citing the need “to prevent a close contact scenario for all employees whether a co-employee is found to be confirmed positive.”

She also said that the other alternative work arrangements will help decongest passengers of public utility vehicles throughout the day to lessen the risk of transmission.

E.O. No. 10 Series of 2021 states that the following alternative work arrangements can be implemented (as per CSC M 10, series of 2020):

a. skeleton workforce – the maximum number of individuals that can occupy an office with not less than two meters distancing people;
b. work-from-home; c. staggered working hours.

Another option is the Other Alternative Work Arrangements (OAWA) or the combination of the three work arrangements earlier mentioned.

However, all government offices, both national and local, are mandated to adopt an OAWA that will fully operationalize their offices with a skeleton workforce inside the offices while others are working from home and the working hours are staggered throughout the day from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The OAWA, according to E.O. 10, shall apply to all employees, including consultants, job orders, and contracts of services. It shall apply to all offices, including field and district offices. But this arrangement shall not be an excuse for delay in government offices as all offices are mandated to deliver timely and efficient public service while in OAWA.

The order also said, “If an employee or worker’s job is the performance of a specific task, they may be allowed to come in only when they are expected to work and they may be sent home immediately after completing their task. The hours at home shall be counted as worked hours provided that they are able to deliver their tasks correct and complete. No person is allowed to loiter in offices.”

All heads of offices are also directed to ensure that the OAWA will comply with a 40-hour workweek requirement of employees and other workers.


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