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ROUGH CUTS | Who’s monitoring water re-fillers?

“You may not agree with what I say but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Or so goes the saying made by famous French philosopher Voltaire during his lifetime

Why are we quoting this? It is because this is our take on the comments of one reader, Ms. Lynne Jimenez, who strongly expressed her disagreement with our opinion regarding the revelation of Vice President Sara Duterte that the formation of the UniTeam “was for the 2022 elections only.” The VP’s disclosure was her answer to a question by a member of the media on the status of the multi-political parties or groups’ coalition entered into shortly before the national election of 2022.

VP Sara’s virtual admission that the forming of the UniTeam was only to ensure the win of the team’s candidates for the top 2 positions of the land in that particular election could only mean that all the parties to that union knew then that its primary purpose is to have its candidates win. And if so, it was wanting in sincerity to the effect that we believe that the UniTeam was a cleverly crafted “deception.”

However, we never singled out anyone person “deceiving” the electorate. What we said was that with the VP knowing it all along, as well as the other leading promoters of the UniTeam likely knowledgeable of the same, then they subtly allowed themselves to be instruments to the “deception” of the voters who believe the UniTeam will result to the promised objective of furthering the country’s socio-economic development.

Ms. Jimenez also reminded us, and other journalists no doubt, that we have “an oath to tell the truth even if it will destroy the one you are protecting.” (We can assure her we are not protecting anyone. We have no reason to give such protection. We have not even met them personally or asked any favor from anyone. FPRRD and VP Sara who are both from Davao City can attest to what we said.)

We too, agree with her very strongly. We have to tell the truth or express our opinion the way we see and feel about it, regardless of whether we hurt our friends or those who think that we are their enemies for having views they feel contrary to theirs.

As to whether or not we are “obviously anti-Duterte” we may refer Ms. Jimenez to our columns earlier last week where we tackled the reactions expressed through Official Statements of FPRRD and VP Sara on their observations on the manner by which the serving of the warrants of arrest on Pastor Quiboloy by the law enforcement agents.

If she finds it a way of destroying the persons of both the former President and the VP, then so be it. After all that is her right that is constitutionally-guaranteed; her freedom of expressing her own views. We cannot take it away from her. In fact we should even thank her for her interaction with us through her opposing opinion.


A few days back we saw on a nationally-televised interview of a Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary regarding the safety of water directly coming from the tap of concessionaires as compared to water supposedly processed in the many re-filling stations all over the country.

According to the DENR official the tap water can even be safer to drink as well as for other household use. The reason, according to the executive, the regulators for the operation of water distribution companies have imposed very stringent regulations on ensuring the quality of the water that include several layers of purifying procedures starting from the source up to the pipes leading to the consumer’s households or business establishments.

In Davao City we are personally aware of the processes adopted by the water distribution firm to see to it that the liquid is on its utmost cleanliness when used. And we believe the DCWD has its own in-house unit to monitor the processes of purifying the water other than the one authorized by the government – if it has any.

But what about the re-filling stations, does the government have some agencies monitoring the quality of the processing of the water purification? Has the City Health Office (CHO) or the City Council looked into the activities of the water re-fillers? Do the CHO and the Council just depend on the local Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the monitoring and testing of the quality of the drinking water processed and sold by the water re-fillers?

Or, is the FDA conducting such monitoring in the city knowing that the office is so wanting in employees to undertake the strenuous job?

Perhaps it is now the opportune time for the CHO to look into that aspect of ensuring the health of the city’s population. The council too, shall craft the necessary measure for the CHO to execute so any water-borne affliction on the people can be prevented.


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