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ROUGH CUTS | Where ‘angels’ fear to ‘trade’

This afternoon President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr., will deliver his 3rd State-of-the-Nation-Address at the session hall of the Batasang Pambansa in Quezon City. On this same afternoon some groups of militants including those from the labor sector and from among the ideologues believed to be leaning to the communists doctrine, will be holding their protest rally outside the Batasan perimeter. In another “first” in the Philippines backers of former President Rodrigo R. Duterte will also be holding their own assembly at the Liwasang Bonifacio which most likely be called a “Prayer Rally” complete with expletives and vile language that will be thrown at the current Malacanang tenant.

Meanwhile, there are reports that pro-administration groups will also be staging their own rally not far from the protesters to express their support to the sitting President.

We do not know if the rule on the so-called war strategy of “divide and conquer” is applicable on this situation. And if it does, which group is initiating to use the strategy, and who among them is likely to “win and conquer?”


Is the report made by some social media vloggers that Sen. Robin Padilla, an avid follower of former President Rodrigo Duterte, is now slowly distancing from his main benefactor on his full pardon from a crime he earlier committed?

We supposed that the basis of the vloggers who advanced the idea that Senator Padilla is distancing from the former chief executive is the actor-senator’s filing in the Senate of an Anti-political dynasty bill. These pseudo political analysts masquerading as social media vloggers believe that in introducing the measure in the Senate Senator Padilla is controverting an earlier position of the former President to include in his original campaign promise during the 2016 national election to amend the Charter with emphasis on banning political dynasties.

These vloggers sure know that the former President has his own dynasty in politics already strongly in place. What with having a Vice President daughter, a congressman and a city mayor sons now serving their term. This is not to mention a daughter-in-law who is a barangay captain. There is even the likelihood that a grandson will be running for councilor come 2025.

So, if Senator Robin will indeed strongly pursue his bill, then the vlogger-political analysts could be more than correct in advancing the idea that indeed the strongly pro-Duterte lawmaker could possibly be thinking that he is strong enough to stand up against his benefactor-former President.


How many of you our dear readers are aware, or perhaps still familiar, with this line of an oldies ballad, “Fools rush in where angels fear to tread?”

We cannot help but recall this line because of the ongoing “cat and mouse” game that is obtaining now in the case of the tracking of the whereabouts of fugitive Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church leader-founder, Rev. Apollo C. Quiboloy.

In this particular case who are the “fools” and who are the “angels” Yes, who are those who rush to seek shelter from the long arms of the law and those who are quick enough to offer shelter to the religious leader and his co-accusedr – a “shelter’ that ensure him of full protection from the supposed “angels” – the “good” law enforcers – not the “bad” and the “ugly”.

And who could have provided the fugitive Pastor and his co-accused the safe haven where the “angel” law enforcers “fear to trade” (assuming that there are)?

Also, who among the law enforcers are so “fearful” in attempting to trade the hiding place which could be just within the tip of their noses?

Now there is this report that the Regional Police Office XI through its new police director, is requesting the top PNP leadership at the national level to transfer to Camp Crame some 45 police personnel currently assigned in Davao City, mostly the ones earlier relieved from their post. .

Why, are they the “angels” who fear to trade in areas sheltering the “fools?” Is the PRO director replacing them with personnel who know no fear if only to go by the bidding of their superiors even if this may violate the rights of those giving the “shelter” and the one or ones being sheltered?

With this series of relief and reassignments of police personnel in Davao City not just in one or two’s, we cannot help but dread the possibility that may be one day when certain major politically-generated controversies happen, an entire police command will be re-assigned to another province or cities. God forbids.


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