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MY ART THOUGHTS | Art ideas without limits

Experiencing periods without inspiration to paint, often referred to as painter’s block, is quite common among artists. Each person has unique reasons for this block, but it’s a real challenge nonetheless. I used to encounter these moments frequently until I discovered a method to overcome them for good.

Writing this blog has been a similar experience. It’s been quite a while since I began sharing my art experiences and journey. Writing this weekly column is already a challenge for me, especially while juggling various tasks like making the daily editorial cartoon for this paper, managing our gallery, handling artists and client calls, completing commissioned artworks and the most tiring is playing golf. It’s exhausting, but once we commit, there’s no room for excuses.

My secret to avoiding painter’s block is simple: I always carry a small sketch pad in my pocket. Whenever an idea strikes, I jot it down immediately, ensuring it isn’t forgotten. Good painting ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. It might be an inspiring image I see while walking down the street or a word on a signboard that catches my eye. Even in my sleep, beautiful images appear, and I’ve trained myself to wake up and record them right away to avoid losing them. Admittedly, this often gives me headaches as it’s hard to go back to sleep afterward.

There is an endless supply of ideas and inspiration around us. We just need to keep our eyes and minds open to see them. And never forget to carry a small sketch pad with you to capture these moments immediately. Remember, our brains are designed to think, not to memorize. Currently, I have hundreds of drawings in my sketch pad, ready to be turned into paintings, with new ones being added all the time.


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