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From the time humans learn to walk, we are gradually introduced to life patterns which all must adhere to until our final days . The reasons for these, ‘In order to survive’, a Social Science teacher once said. She adds, ‘in order to belong and not be left out’. True enough, as we go through life, non-conformity to societal dictates and  ‘mores’ (pronounced mor-is), is often frowned upon and subject to society’s disapproval.

Still on the subject of life patterns, there used to be a time when, during the early days of rigid education when ‘spare the rod and spoil the child’ was still the dictum, a subject on ‘good manners and right conduct’ was taught in school. At least, that was how the older generations were reared. However, a fellow senior once confided that this wasn’t the case anymore. Not in these days lorded over by misdirected political correctness and being woke. Even as I don’t know what to make of this reveal,(that GMRD has indeed been replaced with something else), I hope they put in a better one. If not, and the subject has totally been scrapped, then I eagerly await what pros have to say regarding the effect of that on everyone, most especially the younger generations.

This doesn’t mean the Boomers and the older generations are off the hook either. Their sun may have set and their ship already sailed, but not all have a passing grade on that subject. Compound this with the old saying, ‘you cannot teach old dogs new tricks’ and what’ve we got? Anyway, tell-tale signs are everywhere and they’re not at all too good. I must’ve witnessed countless instances of discourteous or rude behavior on public transports and bus lines directed at elders. In the same way, I’ve also seen seniors flashing their status like a badge,  unfairly leaning on the rights of others, notably seniors like them, and insisting on being given special treatment in practically any line or transaction.

And speaking of lines, Why does it seem like everyone has a violent aversion to them? Quite simply,  everyone wants to be served first and to be put in a line is nothing but an obstacle to this wish. This is why, we see a lot of line-cutting and worse, open, though not verbal, declarations that one is more entitled than the rest. Shoutout to some people of authority on this one. In case you might wonder, why do they have directional railings leading to the cashier at supermarkets? For the same reason. We’re more like farm animals; pigs and cattle forced into pens by corrals. Sad thing is, some  still play lost sheep. For these above the law, having order and keeping in line is solely for others to follow. Try observing people lining up at any counter, or cars trying to out-maneuver each other on the highways. Doesn’t the image of cows at the corral remind one of how we appear from above?


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