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HONORING MY MOTHER | Ditching the thinking

I am certain that among my batchmates, no one can forget about the “Streams of consciousness” lecture by Ms. Aida R, Ford on a particular technique or style of writing during our first year in college. For one, it is simply a process which involves having a journal and writing down whatever comes to mind, being unmindful of structure, tense or whatever rules there are in grammar composition. The resulting jumble of ideas produced might at first appear surreal and without sense but after one is done with writing it, pause, edit and make sense of it (if at all).

Since that time, I have tried to pattern whatever creation, whether in my writing or any art and music composition into that one simple formula: For me, it has always been scribble then more scribble, until a series of final edits (final 1, final two ad infinitum). I have likewise sought other sources who dealt with similar thoughts (as second opinion) on this form of “automatic” notation. (borrowing from Dr. Edgar Cayce’s psychic method of automatic writing). In my search, two other books I found. “Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance” and “The Inner Game of Tennis”. For the latter, it hinted that in any endeavor, a mental game is always present; giving importance to quieting the mind and the ever-conscious ego so that a meaningful creation can be achieved. Thus, this forgetting about the nuances of form and techniques, and just being in a “zone”, is much like what athletes can relate to, muscle memory.

Incidentally, all these random thought came to mind when I just recently came across an insight by Joy Harjo, a musician, poetess, writer and only one of two native Americans who served as a US poet laureate. She had this to day about a similar spontaneous style of writing poetry (or music).

“…I like that practice of just writing and not thinking because … part of it is to get out of the thinking mind… The thinking mind just runs along the surface. (but) There’s other levels of perception. What I love about poetry is that you go beyond what you’re thinking… it’s about taking the time with yourself and listening, and listening deep into those old parts. It’s not always easy. In fact sometimes, when it’s too easy, then to me that’s a signal that you’re not going deep enough.”

As for the conscious mind (ego) trying to compose something and forcing oneself to dredge whatever detail of learning is necessary, a poignant pause might help. The Ancient One of Dr. Strange fame could not have said it so clearly, “You cannot beat a river into submission. You have to surrender to its current and use its power as you own. Silence your ego and your power will rise.” Haha.

Obi-Wan-Kenobi ups it better. “Trust the force Luke!”


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