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FROM THE MAIL | Filipino heroes should be appreciated more

THE HISTORY of the Motherland that we are a part of is important and it is only fitting to claim and take the legacy that was preserved and left for us by our forefathers.
Although they have passed away, the spirit of the memory of the history that we are proud of until now is still alive.
Indeed, the ancestors of any of them cannot hide the memory of the past years based on the history of the country which has importance.
So beautiful color was brought to our lives entrusted by our ancestors through the useful and educational history of the country.
Because of this, it is important to remember and recall sometimes the history of the country that is the only golden heritage of all our ancestors.
The ceremonies and tributes for Filipino heroes serve as a memorial for their contribution to the country’s history, including here the dreams and visions of our heroes who shaped our thoughts then, now, and forever.
The past history of the country has real lessons, and lessons learned continuously imposed in human life that also impress the hearts and minds of the Filipino people, has great help and benefits for all of us because history is a golden legacy.
We thank our fellow Filipinos, those with Filipino blood, and even those of other races who really give color, and attention and remember the history of our country, the Philippines.
I believe it remains something significant to the heroes of the country who made the historic movement to fight for us because some of the countries want to enslave us.
Filmmakers and storytellers are making documentary films showing Philippine historical events during those times and even beyond for the sake of history. Others love collectible items of historical memorabilia, the story told about the country’s history can be seen in comics.
We can also notice from the clippings of newspapers, broadsheets, tabloids, magazines, and even historical shows through movie/television series episodes that dramatize and give life to the past for the sake of history.
It is our custom as Filipino citizens, along with the government officials that there is a little program prepared when paying tribute to the Filipino heroes who have gone away already in the world to commemorate and remember what they did to our Motherland.
In this regard, sometimes there is a simple ceremony to remember the Filipino heroes to complete the event of the program.
Usually, you can see through the flow of the program the tradition of placing flowers and laying wreaths in the public plaza, and private areas if there is a statue or image of the hero.
As for the rest of our warrior heroes who are buried in private places on the side or in front of their houses, and even in the Heroes’ Cemetery, a small ceremony is held because they are heroes of the country that should be appreciated and recognized as Filipino warriors and heroes.
Although the forefathers or ancestors of the country who were brave in the war have passed away. But think of it that the memories of our heroes in the past, and in the present, are still alive.
Likewise, the commemoration of our Filipino heroes wherever they are buried, even in the Libingan ng mga Bayani as a tribute, praise, and memory for their important contribution to the fight against foreigners who wanted to enslave the country of the Philippines before but defended we are the ancestors from the oppressive countries.
So the legacies of the country’s ancient heroes give us all the inspiration and strength to pursue excellence in serving the people, and country and especially to serve God to encourage, challenge, and even strengthen each other’s hearts to unite, work together, and love each other.
With that, we carry the promise to the Motherland with freedom, strength, ability, and diligence for development towards a new vitality that every Filipino can enjoy which means a bright future for the Philippines.
Nowadays, it is the same with our modern-day heroes today who relentlessly uphold the care of the people with love, united arms, courage, and dedication to guard the security that defended the sovereignty of our country.
Joseph Elias Bontogon


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