This Mother’s Month, open up your bottled feelings

Mother’s Day has always been an encircled occasion in the calendar of Absolute Distilled Drinking Water, wherein it recognizes and celebrates annually the “Motherhood Journey” of each mom. This year proves to be no exception as Absolute mounts an intimate yet interactive Mom’s Day Out event. This will also serve as a safe space platform to all mom to unload the feelings they’ve been keeping. Further, they will also get to share and learn from selected mom communities invited and family experts on May 6 at Supersam in Scout Tobias, Quezon City.
Titled “Always Safe with your Pure Love: This Mother’s Month, Open up Your Bottled Feelings,” the exclusive event to select mom communities serves as a celebration of all mothers and a discussion of their bottled feelings. This tackles how tiring yet rewarding it is to fulfill the role of a mother, along with the affirmation every mom needs. Games and interactive activities are lined up as well to help moms relax and recharge.
To share with even more mommies how Absolute is always safe with your pure love, the event will be aired on Facebook Live. Virtual attendees get to partake in Absolute’s special celebration of Mother’s Month by getting the chance to participate in the activities, including the live Q&A.
Hosted by Mommy Vanna Reyes, the event will feature a distinguished panel of medical professionals who will discuss the complexities and fulfillments of being a mom. Dr. Joanna Pamela Cuayo-Estanislao, MD, General Pediatrician, will explain how a mom’s true self serves as her family’s safe space, while Dr. Ma. Kathryn “Doc Kooky” Ongoco Perez, Obstetrics and Gynecology, will talk about creating a safe space for a mom and her family.
With all the festivities in Absolute’s Mother’s Month event, make sure to join and bond with moms like you who want nothing but the best for their families. Set your notifications and be there on Absolute’s special Facebook Live discussion on May 6, 10 a.m., at facebook.com/AbsoluteDistilledWater/.
Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water is guaranteed clean and safe according to world standards. It is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation and International (NSF), a US-based food and beverage safety certifying institution, To ensure its cleanliness, Absolute is produced using advanced technology on water distillation process, ensuring no human intervention.