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Editorial | When will we ever learn?

Experience is the best teacher, so says an idiom.

However, sometimes it would be better to learn from experience of others, especially if that experience is dreadful.

But it seems those who believe they can manipulate others continue to find ways even if their manipulation schemes are obvious.

One must take into account the warnings of government agencies to the public to be very vigilant of individuals and entities that would lure the people to investing their hard-earned money in too-good-to-be-true schemes.

Of late, two entities that were reportedly owned by one person was said to have been soliciting investments in pigs, with the promise that the supposed investor would nearly double the investments after three months.

In an advisory released last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission pointed out that the entities did not have any legal personalities to solicit investments by buying pigs and promising huge returns in just three months.

The fact remains that even if it could provide for the hefty incomes of its investors – something that is very suspect considering the latest incidents as well its promise – its failure to secure the very basic instrument, legal documents, is a sign that something is fishy.

Several other so-called investment schemes have collapsed, leaving behind throngs of victims who, because of their desire to earn big at a very short time, have been looking at how they could recoup their huge losses, hard-earned money needed to provide food on their tables.

Learning from experience is always the best teacher. And there is no shortage of lessons to learn from.


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