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Editorial | Take off the blindfold

The results of the study that the National Council For Children’s Television about children being exposed to lewd media contents were something that the public has known all along.

In that 2015 study, the results showed that children have been watching television programs and video games that have delicate teams like sex. Even in Internet cafes, children have been accessing these and similar topics.

But one need not go to video cafes or open the Internet on their mobile devices if they want to watch these topics: everyday television stations, even with their parental guidance warning, have shows with such delicate issues during times when children just arrive from schools, or are allowed to watch these shows.

No warning will prevent children from watching shows that every member in the family watches as they are just also members of the same families.

The big problem is even the regulators are seemingly turning their blind eyes on this fact, allowing those who might have committed culpability to continue with their business.

One can question the sincerity of both the regulators and the content creators to his or her heart’s content, but the fact still remains that the prevalence of sensitive media contents available to children have become very easy to access.

There maybe well-meaning individuals or groups that have been trying to come up with alternative contents, but one must remember that viewers, either young or old, are attracted to shows, just like news reports, that are sometimes, gory, bold and sensitive.

So the only solution is for regulators to flex their muscles and run after those who might have erred in creating contents, no matter who they are or how powerful they are.


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