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ROUGH CUTS | What DC residents want to know

So the police is now investigating the existence of a group allegedly organized by jailed Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) Church leader Rev. Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy called “Angels of Death”?
Initially the alleged existence of the group was disclosed to Davao City Police Office (DCPO) Director Col. Hansel Marantan by some female members of the so-called Quiboloy’s “Pastorals,” a group of female members newly recruited to the KOJC who are mostly teenagers.

The Pastorals who, according to Colonel Marantan, are staying in rooms surrounding the one occupied by the religious Pastor. It was from this group of young girls that the ones who complained of having been allegedly sexually molested by the Pastor came from. It was they who narrated their claimed harrowing experience from the religious leader.

The complainants, according to the DCPO director, told him that it took them too long to come out and reveal their sufferings from the Pastor’s hands because they were so afraid of the alleged threat of their founder that if they do so the “Angels of Death” will punish the concerned Pastorals and their families for breaking the Code of Secrecy mandated by the Holy Spirit who was actually the one who did the sex act with them.

Despite the somewhat fictional nature of Quiboloy’s “Angels of Death” tale, the police feel they are obligated to seek the truth out of the of deadly group referred to by the Pastor in cowering down the young victims of his from coming out into the public.

Our take however, on this matter is that there is no such group whose members are poised to carry out the Pastor’s order should they find the need to destroy the lives of the “erring” Pastorals.

Personally we believe that the “Angels of Death” is a fictional organization the existence of whom is indoctrinated on the Pastorals to make them believe that should they complain of the Pastor’s (“spirit’s”) sexual advances the “Angels of Death” will immediately be there to punish the complaining Pastorals or their families.

We do not know if those who refuse to come out and lodge their complaints against the Pastor are still hooked to their belief that there indeed exist the supposedly “spiritual” angels out to execute the order of their master, the self-appointed Son of God. Or could it be that personal shame gets the most out of them and their families by allowing the public to pry on their most guarded secret.

But such refusal to seek justice for themselves is in a way tolerating some alleged insidious activities of one who present himself as a “man of God.”


It is nice to hear that at least two Davao City Councilors – Hon. Pilar Braga of the first district and Al Ryan Alejandre of the second district – recorded perfect attendance in the 33 sessions of the 20th Council for the period January to August 2024.

We are also elated to hear that first termer second district alderman Diosdado Angelo Mahipus, Jr. led in the number of sponsored resolutions in the same 20th Council..

We have no doubt however, that the people of Davao City will be much happier if the Council can come out with a figure of relevant local ordinances it has passed and approved over the same period. We believe that the ordinances approved by the Council especially those that will enhance further the development of the city and its residents, will be more important than one or two councilors’ perfect attendance, or sponsoring the most number of resolutions.

Say, what ordinance the Council has approved in relation to enhancing protection of the city’s environment and/or preserving the city’s bio-diversity? What measure or measures the Council had passed to goad people participation in the prevention of flood occurrence in the city? How about ordinances intended to enhance the city’s finances without imposing additional taxes.

What ordinance had the Council passed to stop the “rape” of the city’s hillsides by housing subdivision developers in the guise of development?

Honestly we felt there is a dearth of such information. We hope the Sanggunian Secretary can come up with a list of Ordinances approved during the period January to August this year. The list will surely help the public evaluate the performance of the councilors and aid in the people’s decision-making process in time for the 2025 local elections.

For certain most of the councilors will be running for re-election while a few will have their close relatives take their slot for the next polls.



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