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ROUGH CUTS | Upholding the rule of law

A FIRST district councilor of Davao City has called on the Police to uphold the rule of law, respect the Constitution. Without doubt the lady councilor is referring to the ongoing imbroglio created as consequence of the police operation at the headquarters of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church (KOJC) now the main focus of the efforts to serve the warrants of arrest on its founder-pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy.

The “takeover” as the KOJC members would want to call it, is now on its 12th day with the police reportedly digging to search for the entrances and exits of a bunker where the Pastor could be hiding with his co-accused.

With the massive number of policemen involved and the many restrictions they impose to those seeking entry or get out of the now “occupied” KOJC compound, the lady councilor could not have been mistaken in believing that the law enforcers are not upholding the rule of law and respecting the Constitution.

But then again we could not also help but wonder why the councilor who made the call is specific in her claim that it is only the police who seem not to uphold the rule of law. It is our take that her claim would have had the fairness had she addressed her call to both protagonists in this Quiboloy search saga.
Is not the Pastor as well as his advisers upholding the rule of law and respecting the Constitution by refusing to submit himself to the custody of the courts, and his advisers sort of encouraging him of his action? And what about his members bodily blocking the policemen from effectively doing their mandated responsibility?

Are not the religious leader and his lawyers and advisers as well, quite empathic with their position that the cases the Pastor is facing are “weak.”

No matter where and how we view the Pastor’s dogged refusal to surrender to the authorities, and the seeming encouragement of his lawyers and advisers for him to remain in hiding is one clear manifestation of their non-upholding of the rule of law and disrespecting the Constitution.

Also, in the guise of claiming rights violations by the police on the Quiboloy properties and on his person as well, the fugitive Pastor and his lawyers and lay advisers are also making a mockery of the law and the Philippine Justice system as well.


So the Honorable Members of the Upper House at the behest of the Senate Committee on Human Rights under Chairman Sen. Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel, Jr. will conduct an ocular inspection on the situation at the KOJC main headquarters? The 30-hectare compound is now searched thoroughly by the police to locate its fugitive Pastor.

On the same day the Senators will also conduct and on-site public hearing. Based on the advice from the Senate almost, if not all senators will be attending. Even perhaps Sen. Risa Hontiveros who leads an investigation on the Pastor’s alleged abuses on some minors may possibly come. That is, if she feels she can withstand the “heat” that may be emitting from the eyes of the KOJC’s fanatic members who will surely be attending in the public hearing.

We are of course certain with our belief that most, if not all of the Senators will be attending. Yes, by next month those who are still eligible for re-election will surely be filing their certificate of candidacy. And by joining the ocular inspection and attending the public hearing they will have one big opportunity to make themselves visible to the KOJC members for their appreciation.

What we are wondering is how would the Senators whose political alignments are now clearly showing, will comport themselves. As we all know many lawmakers are now perceived to be “distancing” with Quiboloy’s very close friends – former President Rodrigo R. Duterte and his daughter Vice President Sara. The latter two are now leading a fight against the incumbent tenant of Malacanang.

Meanwhile, what law are the Senators possibly crafting in the Senate, or existing statutes to be amended after knowing what ills the law presently governing the serving of arrest warrants?

Also, the public hearing could be a venue for some Senators to grand stand so they could get due notice from the KOJC members.

We can only hope that their on-site inspection of the goings-on at the KOJC compound will not be converted into some kind of a political rally that will surely benefit only the solons who are out for another Senatorial run.


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