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ROUGH CUTS… | The way to go Colonel Marantan

Here is this one potential subject that could be considered in the crafting of a local ordinance by the Davao City Council. Or, the local legislative body could include this matter for possible inclusion should it decide on amending certain ordinances that govern the acquisition and/or renewal of permit in the city for certain types of businesses

We are referring to a subject that we have taken up in this column several times already hoping that any member of the City Council might be able to see the benefit should it be legislated or included in the amendment.
Yes, it is the idea that we believe will address issues related to the environment and the complaint of village residents in areas where there are existing poultry and swine farms, or in places where some enterprising businessmen are planning to put up such establishments. The same idea, if considered, could also apply to sites where there are existing chicken dressing plants and other related enterprises.

The idea that we have advanced for some councilors’ consideration is to include in the requirements for business permit acquisition of applicants for the establishment of poultry and piggery farms is the setting up of the so-called “bio-fence. That is, the planting of fast growing trees in the entire perimeter of the farm jibing with its development. And once the farms are already in operation the bio-fence requirement will still be a major basis for permit renewal. The growth of the trees serving as bio-fence will be inspected immediately prior to the permit renewal and it will be regularly monitored to ensure that it is continuously maintained.

Why are we calling the tree perimeter “bio-fence?” It is because the layers of trees with thick branches will serve as a natural barrier for the undesirable odor from the poultry or swine farms towards the nearby community. Other than that, the layer of trees will also prevent the swarm of flies that normally migrate out of the poultry or swine farms and invade the houses in the immediate community every harvest season.

The management of these kinds of farms usually do the re-stocking of the chicken houses or pig stays for a period of about two or three weeks. In the interregnum the compound is sprayed with chemicals that will render the entire farm clean and free of any potential poultry and swine diseases that could be passed on to the next batch of chicken and swine stocks.

And while the spraying continues, the flies and other insects, with its sheer number, virtually paint the windows of nearby houses black. With the bio-fence the smell of both the chemicals prayed and the chicken dung is absorbed by the leaves of the trees. The swarm of flies also is blocked by the trees surrounding the entire compound.

Now, if anyone from among our councilors would realize how much such an ordinance or amendment could help in protecting the city’s environment and even preventing the occurrence of deadly diseases in areas where poultry and piggery farms, and dressing plants for chicken, or possibly slaughter houses, perhaps it might be an effective “aid of re-election” for the challenge picker.


We believe that the intention of Davao City Police Office (DCPO) Director Col. Hansel Marantan to discuss with Police Regional Office (PRO) XI Chief Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III the issue of “manipulated” entries in the police blotter in all 19 stations in Davao City is a move in the right direction.

It will only show that Colonel Marantan is concerned not only with the reputation of the police as an organization but of Davao City as well as one awardee of the accolades “Most Peaceful”, and “Most Livable City” in the Philippines.”

Yes, the Department of the Interior and Local Governments (DILG) which agency in government that has province over the operation and administration of the various local government units in the whole of the country, as well as that of the Philippine National Police, could be put into serious doubts. That is, the agency’s integrity in evaluating the different LGUs in the country included in the selection of awardees.

Imagine if Brig. Gen. Torre will be able to substantiate his claim of blotter manipulation. He’ll surely be putting the DILG and the police itself in serious question as to the fairness and authenticity in its selection process.

The DILG evaluators could easily be branded as “sleeping on their job” because of their failure to detect the erroneous entries in the police blotter. The DILG evaluators then, could be tagged as bias in favor of well-hyped police accomplishments.

And again, should Torre be able to validate his assertion, what will that make of Davao City should there be another award of the same or related nature be launched in the near future?

So, it is our take that the Marantan-Torre III brainstorming of the “blotter manipulation” issue, could shed light on this unnecessary controversy without adversely affecting the status of Davao City as awardee for “Most Peaceful, and Most Livable” and perhaps Most Business-Friendly City” in the whole of the Philippines.

That’s the way to go Colonel Marantan. And in so doing you’ll just wake up one day your name is already in the consciousness, in the hearts, and in the minds of Davaoenos and their leaders as well.


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