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ROUGH CUTS | Ousted Bamban mayor hurt by truth?

A broadcaster identified only as alias Junior, was arrested by law enforcers for an alleged crime of online gender-based sexual harassment using his radio program. The accused, according to the police, is 55 years old, married and residing at Luzville Subdivision in Panacan. The radio station he is doing his broadcast is located in Ulas, Talomo district.

According to court records, the same accused is also facing an earlier case of cyber libel where he is issued an earlier warrant of arrest.

What is happening here? Is the station where the accused is having his program not a member of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster sa Pilipinas (KBP)? Is the same organization still around? If it is then what is it doing for now? Supposedly a member station or broadcaster accredited by KBP is tasked to police itself. Meaning it is to adhere to self-regulation.

So, how come the accused just blatantly did his gender-based sexual harassment without let-up to the point that the object or objects of his tirades became full and has to resort to filing a case or cases against the broadcaster?

Our suspicion is that the radio station is not a member of the KBP and the broadcaster is not also accredited by the organization.

Yes, if the station is a KBP member then its management would have been well aware of its responsibilities in ensuring sane broadcast and the broadcaster should have done his own process of coming up with a responsible broadcasting.

We also believe that it is about time for the KBP to take stock of its present status as an organization tasked of professionalizing the practice of broadcast media.


In a recent hearing conducted by the House Quadruple Committee on the alleged connection of ousted Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Alice Leal Guo to the illegal POGOs in the country, a video recording on a statement made by an alleged Chinese spy now incarcerated in Taiwan (or is it Thailand?) was presented. In the presentation the alleged spy mentioned the name of Alice Guo, short of insinuating that she too, is a member of a Chinese espionage network.

The presentation elicited a strong negative reaction from Ms Guo. She denied being a Chinese spy and grudgingly insisted that she is Filipino. Her reaction was actually that of being extremely mad and angry showing how hurt she was because of the presentation and the Implication of her name.

But why was Ms. Guo mad and seemingly hurt by the mention of her name? Was her actuation an indication that the insinuation, or claim if anyone wants to call it that way, is true? Remember the dictum, “Truth hurts.”

Nonetheless, Guo’s performance in the many edition of the quadcom hearings indicates how well-trained and disciplined Ms. Guo is. Her apparent mastery in answering the questions of the lawmakers who were conducting the probe would only show how skilled Ms. Guo is in handling the questions thrown on her lap. Imagine how it appears automatic in her answering the questions as if she is more than dexterous than her lawyers. She seems capable of not batting an eyelash when she expertly refuse to answer any question by using the most-abused excuse that she does not want to be a victim of self-incrimination due to pending cases against her in the courts.

Then look at the way Ms. Guo dodges questions by giving answers that are so detached from the issue being discussed at hand. It is as if Ms. Guo already knew what the next question will come out and how she could way lay the seething questions of lawmakers.

Miss Guo’s expertise in dealing with the probers’ inquiry appears to have rubbed in on the other witnesses like Cassandra Ong, and the other woman who was earlier tagged as Ms. Guo’s sister but is not. The two answer questions with extreme confidence they could face the lawmakers toe-to-toe.

Of course they now face so many contempt citations. But what the heck. Whether they answer or not or make a mockery of the hearing and show disrespect to the lawmakers from the Quad Com, confining them under the custody of the Senate or the House would not anymore mean anything to them. After all, they are currently held behind bars because of the various cases they are charged in the courts.


We would not tire writing again and again about this subject.

We mean the still unused about 15-meter long concrete bridge that has long been been completed. The bridge spans a creek serving as boundary of Barangays Catalunan Grande in the first district, and Tacunan in the third district of Davao City.

The bridge was completed more than two years ago. Unfortunately, and to the chagrin of motorists who could have utilized the span since its completion, still they could not because it does not have any approach to the Tacunan side. Also, while an approach is already done on the Catalunan end of the bridge it is still unconnected to the road emanating from the Catalunan end.

Another unfinished project is the concreting of the road going to the barangay hall of Tacunan. The outer portion of the lane leading to the crossing towards the gate of the Tacunan National High School, about 20-meter long, has not been concreted for about three years now. Yet the other side of the road and the inner lane are already long cemented and are now starting to deteriorate.

Who is responsible for these projects, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) or the City Engineer’s Office (CEO)?

We are just wondering if any representative from these two agencies has ever inspected the project site. We are certain that these are already completely paid by the government. So, what now?


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