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ROUGH CUTS | Noble but ‘nebulous’

The Regional Trial Court in Pasig City has issued an Alias Warrant for the arrest of now fugitive Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church.

Yes, the alias warrant was issued after the police failed to arrest the religious leader within the effectivity of the first warrant. Thus, after the initial arrest order expired it was returned to the court. The alias warrant was issued this time.

The next question is, “Will the police be successful to serve the alias warrant this time?” Or will they be frustrated again because of their failure to locate the fugitive despite the claim of Police Regional Director Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III that the police now know where Quiboloy is hiding?

Of course we understand why the law enforcers are having a hard time finding the Pastor because even if they know his exact location they have to contend with the well-organized fanatic members of the Quiboloy church who are ready to mobilize themselves and form a human barricade to shield their Pastor’s hiding place.

The other possibility is that if the PRO XI chief is not correct in his assumption that the Pastor is hiding in one of his houses or church properties, then he could be holed up in some “impenetrable” rest houses located in the fastness of the hills of the city.

If the police will again fail to effect the arrest of the Pastor using the alias warrant we can imagine how they could be made a laughing stock of those who are protecting the Pastor from the police trackers.

And by the way, how should government treat lawyers who are clearly aiding suspects or accused to continually dodge the law?

We are raising this question because in the case of another person now considered fugitive – then Bamban, Tarlac Mayor Alice Guo, it is very clear that her lawyers know exactly where the ousted lady mayor is hiding but they continue to deny the information to the police. It is as if Guo’s lawyers are adding to the confusion on where exactly is the former town executive is now – whether she is still in the country as her lawyers insisted, or has already flew out of the Philippines – enjoying her time in Malaysia, or Singapore or Indonesia.

And it is exactly what is happening in the case of the wanted religious leader. It is clear that his lawyers and a few of his best friends know where exactly he is now. His lawyers especially; could not have done what they are doing for now in his defense – or offense – if they do not know where he is or that they have no direct communication with the Pastor.

Again the question: “How should these lawyers and people be treated under existing laws? Do these laws apply only to the common man and exempt those in the practice of the profession or have the means and influence in society and government?

Now who says justice is what that blind-folded lady represents?


The Davao City Council approved on second reading a proposed ordinance establishing the so-called “City Justice Zone.”

In the rationale given in the proposed measure it says it is intended to “improve the justice sector and enable coordinated justice actions. According to Councilor Lorenzo Villafuerte, the main proponent of the measure, this would enhance the justice system in the city.”

As further disclosed by the alderman from Calinan the city government will allocate funds to implement the programs that will be constituted by the Zone, the top priority of which is a program that will “achieve swift justice.”
The said program once in place with the final approval of the Davao City Justice Zone Ordinance, also aims to address issues related to congestion of cases in various courts, jail congestion, and provision of assistance to marginalized groups in accessing justice.

The proposed measure once approved and signed by the city mayor, will create a coordinating body consisting of more than ten government agencies led by the city government.

Our take is that it is the coordinating body that will concretize the plans, programs and projects and the implamentation thereof.

But from where we are perched, this early we can already see the difficulties in attaining the objectives of the ordinance. With so many agencies with representatives having various ideas, the likelihood is that the operationalization of the various programs and projects can be doomed.

And one more thing, we haven’t read in the statement of the proponent the creation of an office or unit in the city government that will take charge of the programs and projects implementation. Will the City Council be creating an ad hoc body to be manned by project employees, or will such responsibilities be added to certain departments in the city government?

For now we can say that while the proposed measure is a noble one, its institutionalization is as nebulous as the great beyond of our universe.

We can only hope that our councilors will allocate a substantial portion of their time in scrutinizing the planned .local legislation. Otherwise they will only be wasting the people’s money.


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