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ROUGH CUTS | It is one moral responsibility

Expressing his sadness for the Philippine National Police (PNP), an organization of law enforcers that he loves so well that led him to prioritize in the increases of the members’ monthly salaries and allowances, former President Rodrigo R. Duterte said he has to file the necessary charges against those who participated in the serving of warrants of arrest to Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy over a week ago.

Calling the act a “raid” and not a simple serving of arrest warrants, the former President said in a statement, the alleged “illegal raid” is an “act” that “cannot go unpunished.” The warrants service cum raid was done at the compound of the main headquarters of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church in Buhangin district where, aside from a Cathedral an educational institution edifice is also located.
Yes, the former President who earlier called the same police action against the wanted religious leader an “overkill” could not have interpreted otherwise the manner with which the serving of the warrants was conducted. What with the number of law enforcers involved and the inclusion as among the servers police elements from outside of the Davao Region.

Moreover, FPRRD has the moral responsibility to look into the condition of the compound of the religious sect headed by Pastor Quiboloy as he (the former President) is the appointed administrator of the Church properties.

We believe the filing of cases against the raiding policemen and those responsible in the execution of the act is necessary. Should the charges be finally heard by the courts the deliberation will be able to establish whether the manner with which the service of the warrants was in accordance with the law, or that it has gone way far beyond the limits also set by the law.

On the same vein the former Chief Executive maybe goaded to advise his friend the Pastor to peacefully surrender and let the court deliberate on the cases against him. After all, if FPRRD believes that the Reverend Pastor has not committed any crime, the truth will always come out unless the courts allow to be influenced by some powers, or worst, the judges are blinded by money and other material enticements from any of the litigants.


Indeed the work on the multi-billion pesos Samal Island-Davao City Connector Bridge (SIDC) project will continue to be hounded with delays due to the non-stop opposition of certain sectors in Davao society. There is the group of business establishments who believe their enterprises will be adversely affected, And there are some environmentalists and members of the academe who are also strongly opposed, like the business sector, not of the bridge project but of the alignment route.

Early last week the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) informed the public that the boring of holes is ongoing. It also said that the recommendation by the opponents to the alignment to have the route transferred to avoid destroying the corals and other habitats of sea creatures, cannot just be done according to their wishes without altering the entire project design, and budget of course.
The agency even banded around that it has complied with all requirements that have something to do with the environment in the implementation of the project.

The environmental groups however claimed in its statement yesterday that the DPWH give “misleading and false information” on the environmental impact and damage that will be brought about by the bridge construction to the corals and the underwater habitat in general.

In other words the opposition to the alignment is doubtful as to the claim of the DPWH that it has acquired the necessary clearances, as well as the measures it is planning to adopt to mitigate whatever damage that maybe brought about by the bridge construction.

Again we are constrained to recall one aspect in the determination of what real development is, according to what was taught us by a professor from the University of the Philippines in whose class we have attended while we were taking a Diploma course on Public Administration.

And we quote: “The real measure of development is determined by the number of people who will be beneficiaries as against the number of those who are likely to suffer as consequence of any project.”
The question now is, “How many of the residents of Davao City and Samal, and those who have economic endeavors in the island city feel that they will benefit from the bridge once completed?” “How many believe they will suffer irreparable damage should the bridge be pursued on the designated alignment?”

Should the measures to be adopted by the DPWH in mitigating the impact of the bridge construction to the marine habitat and the environment in general, be not enough to attain its objective will it destroy the immediate community and society thereat? If it will, how wide ranging and how soon?
With this seemingly unending tug-of-war, it is our take that a determined leadership has to use its firmness. It has to make a difficult decision. That is, proceed with the project no matter what; or dump it outright despite the consequences.

Yes, there are times that sacrifices have to be made if only to attain what is beneficial to the greater majority.


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