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ROUGH CUTS… | Foreboding of certain political scenarios

In yesterday’s headline of this paper it says that the P354 million allocation for the City Social Welfare and Development Office (CSWDO) in the recently approved more than P2 billion Supplemental Budget of the City government was “exhaustively scrutinized” before it was passed for third reading. This is according to third district Councilor Myrna Dalodo-Ortiz, chair of the Council’s Finance, Ways and Means Committee. 

Her statement was in reaction to an earlier take of first district Councilor Dr. Bernie Al-ag saying that the over P354 million allocation for the CSWDO’s programs and projects is “excessive.” Ortiz insisted that the multi-million amount is a “well-considered” allocation.

Al-ag’s comment however, was based on the explanation of a representative of the CSWDO who attended the August 13, 2024 session where the SB 1 was approved. The CSWDO representative told the Council that the P354 million is intended for “activity expenses such as venue and food for seminars.”

But even as Councilor Ortiz endeavored to come up with a more civil explanation, another councilor in Jesus Joseph Zozobrado also of the third district was quite scathing in his reaction to Al-ag’ comment and his single “NO” vote in the passage of the Supplemental Budget.

According to Zozobrado, Councilor Al-ag’s assertion that the P354 million allocation to the CSWDO is “excessive” and his subsequent claim that he is “politicized” by his peers for his opposition to the additional budget, is “reckless and irresponsible,” even to the point of “baseless.”

With this exchanges of hurtful comments we seem to imagine some scenarios in the 2025 local elections. We also feel that there is some kind of a “beef” slowly serving as “wedge” between Zozobrado and Al-ag.

The third district alderman is also suspicious that Councilor Bernie has another “motive” for his claim of “excessive” because the former third district local lawmaker apparently “took a swipe at some City Council members” saying that those who voted to approve SB 1 “just immediately said YES without reading the Ordinance,” was quite a sweeping accusation.  

But here is something for the people’s mind to ponder about. According to Councilor Ortiz in her clarification “the bulk of the P354 million is “allocated purposely for welfare goods and food distribution to various sectors involved in this capability building activity, specifically the indigenous people, persons with disability, solo parents, senior citizens, women, children and other disadvantaged groups living in the 182 barangays of the city.”

The lady councilor added that the capability building activities “aim to enhance the knowledge and understanding of these sectors’ members on their rights and responsibilities laid in several existing laws and regulations.” What exactly did she mean when she said that the “essential supplies will compensate them for their participation in the program?”

By the way it is barely nine months leading to the May 2025 local elections.  So we cannot blame some Davaoenos if they link the approval of the humongous Supplemental Budget with the substantial CSWDO allocation to the campaigning for next year’s polls. 

Imagine compensating with “welfare goods and food” the participants in the city’s capability building totaling to some 313,655 persons belonging to the target beneficiary groups? And if the spouses, children and relatives will be added, the total figure will surely be enough to make aspirants, specifically the re-electionists, to the Council and even those eyeing for reelection for the executive posts, win hands down.

With this development happy days are not far for the chosen, mostly favored, suppliers of the “welfare goods and food” items for “compensation.” Yes, to them definitely. But to the target beneficiaries, well, they may be saved the burden of fending for their families’ needs for a day or two, or say three days. But they’re ladeb with an obligation to support their patrons who are into the Council or mayoral and vice mayoral race.


Indeed the Mindanao Development Authority (MinDA) should take a clearer stand on the issue of the claimed insufficiency and inefficiency of the power distribution service of the Northern Davao Electric Cooperative (NORDECO).

Yes, that is what the Davao Consumers Movement that is spearheading the efforts to have the electricity distributor in the Davao del Norte and Davao de Oro areas replaced, wants. The leaders of the group are somewhat frustrated because while their intention in having NORDECO replaced for the covered areas to be more attractive to investors, the MinDA now chaired by Secretary Leo Magno is not manifesting support. Or so it seems as far as the Davao Consumers Movement’s leaders think.

In other words the Movement’s leaders may now be entertaining the idea that MinDA may have other areas in mind for its push for development in Mindanao.

We can only hope that they are wrong.


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