CRITICS of the administration, whether they are from among the ranks of the opposition, the ideologues, or those people who simply want to harbor adverse views on whatever the present government does, are really capitalizing to the maximum the death of former President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III if only to further their agenda.
One example is former Senator Bam Aquino who is rumored to be on the comeback trail to the Senate. Imagine a supposedly well-educated person coming up with his own diagnoses of the cause or causes of death of his uncle the late President PNoy! Was he joking or simply covering his lack of concern for the late former President who seemed to have been left to the personal care of his Yaya, his personal driver and his government-assigned bodyguards while slowly slipping to his death?
Think about this. In his post on Facebook he was openly saying that the late former President was downhearted at the present state of governance in the country; that he was too concerned of the fate of the Philippines on its territorial conflict with China; of the fake news that have been allegedly dominating society. The former youthful senator was insinuating that all these perceived negative developments in the country were taken to heart by PNoy and that these were the causes of the fast deterioration of his health.
The gall! If so, why did the late former President simply keep his silence on the issues if he felt these were dragging the country down the drain? Why did he not muster enough courage to rally his millions of supporters to rise against the government in another bloodless revolution which many former veterans of the so-called People Power was a phenomenon ignited by his late mother?
And why were many of the big wigs of his supposed legions of supporters unable to exert their influence to make the greater mass of the people see the present government the way they want it seen? Surveys tell the truth. And if they believed the studies were paid, why did the moneyed oppositions and critics not do the same or expose the survey firms?
On the other hand, the opposition trolls released from their farms are doing everything to beat the administration in its own game by starting this early incessant attacks on whatever they see as weak areas of the present governance. With Noynoy’s death they are deliberately launching some kind of a battle between good and evil. That the opposition and those who agree with them are representatives of everything that is good and cannot do anything evil; that the critics are the purveyors of only the truth and cannot be made to speak untruths; that what the present government is doing totally is everything evil and detrimental to Philippine society.
Clearly however, the portrayal of the administration as the devil and linking the death of former President Noynoy to the perceived failure of the administration to run the country the way PNoy or his group would have run it including the government’s alleged failure to exclude the Philippines in the global CoViD 19 pandemic, are assumptions too far.
Why, had the present government been headed by someone aligned with the late former President’s party would it be able to enforce the country’s win in the arbitral tribunal over China when the latter did not participate in the arbitration process and refused to accept the award? Would an Aquino-influenced administration have stopped the pandemic outside the borders of the Philippines from the rest of the world?
Now that PNoy is dead, his supposed friends and loyal followers are actually negating everything that the immediate members of his family are claiming that the late former President is a very private person. Why, because they are blatantly using his demise to further their political interests. And it seems the end of their capitalizing on PNoy’s death is still very far. It would probably become even over-blown during the campaign season. And all of these supposed loyal followers are unabashed in their tearful wish that the late former chief of state “Rest in Peace.”
How could he, when the sugar-coated invocation of his name and what they claimed as his extraordinary service to the country and the Filipinos are already bordering on disrespect of a departed.