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ROUGH CUTS | Another ‘crucifixion’ is forthcoming

At the outset we would like to thank a multi-agency group that came to our barangay in the third district some 31 kilometers inland from the City proper to deliver the services mandated of them for the people.
Yes, the group consisting of offices both from the local and national governments came to Talandang, a farming community in Davao City’s third district, came by way of a caravan yesterday, June 18. Each agency participant rendered services related to the mandate of its office. There was the Land Transportation Office (LTO) which provided the initial services needed for the application of driver’s license – the acquisition of a Student’s Driving Permit. There was the Department of Health and the City Health Office which rendered such activity as initial check-ups, blood pressure taking and others. The Department of Labor and Employment was there to give opportunity to job seekers to find work commensurate to their qualifications.

There was the Department of Agriculture and the City Agriculturist Office to give inputs on proper farming and provide vegetable seedlings to those who wish to engage in vegetable production. The Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) was also represented. It provided rural residents the proper steps in the registration of new-born and those who have problems of their birth records such as those who are not registered and those with different dates and spelling of their names.

Law enforcement groups like the Task Force-Davao and the Philippine National Police through the Los Amigos Police Station were there to impart on the rural residents how they can help maintain peace and order and gave them tips to maintain discipline especially among the youth in the barangays.
The Department of Social Welfare and Development through its devolved office in the local government, the City Social Services and Development Office (CSSDO), was also around to undertake the usual services attendant the office.

There were other national and local government agencies that we were unable to recall. We beg for their indulgence. But these offices are among those we profusely thank. Imagine them bringing their agencies to remote villages where people have very less access to their services?

Though the conduct of service caravans is not often but the fact that this done is something that could make rural residents feel they are not neglected by their government.

Of course we would also thank the officials of the barangay headed by Kapitan Gil Lopez and his Kagawads who made all the preparations to make the service delivery of the group of government agencies successful in attaining its objectives.


We are at a loss as to the actual situation of CoViD 19 cases in Davao City. As of the past few months we heard through news reports quoting Health agencies, CoViD 19 as a pandemic is now extinct, except for the discovery of a new variant which has not been reported to affect a sizeable number of people even as it is also reported to be not as deadly as its predecessor virus.

But we learned lately that in certain hospitals, according to some reliable sources, the isolation rooms are full despite the seemingly exorbitant rate of occupation. How come?

Is the Department of Health in the region and the City Health Office aware of this? Maybe there is a need for these agencies to undertake some serious monitoring.


We’ve heard that another power rate hike will be implemented starting next month’s billing period. This is the second in what the Energy Regulatory Commission (ERC) termed as “staggered” implementation of approved rate hike supposedly to cushion the impact on the consumers’ pocket. We are very deeply saddened with this report.

As usual the easiest way of justifying the hike is, there is a rising demand for power. The same reason is also true in the upward adjustment of water cost as well as in the cost of other basic commodities. And the corollary is that there is only a steady, or a diminishing of the supply as against the steep increase in the demand.

And it is on this aspect that we noticed the usual taking of advantage by scheming businesses. They are quick to jump into the bandwagon of profit seekers. Situation such as “growing demand” becomes the most effective alibi for seeking increases in the cost of their products and services.

When can we possibly hope for big businesses to be compassionate to the disadvantaged sector of society if only to lessen the burden of living for the multitude of the population?

Shouldn’t situation like this be the appropriate time for big businesses to give back to the consumers even a little of what they have accumulated over the years when demand for their products or services was stable and the cost of its manufacture or acquisition was relatively commensurate?

Is it not the norm that when one gives something through compassion, it will come back commensurately or even many folds over? May be some businesses think of this as fallacy.


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