“If you want to effectively change a nation, change first the mindset and behavior of our people.”(Matthew Kelly)
Kelly’s statement above enlightened me recently in my advocacy for Real Social Transformation. Hence, in pursuing Social Change, we must give first priority to People Renewal Program before Systems/Structural Reform.
Clearly, our government effort to amend now our unresponsive 1987 Constitution without launching first a People Renewal Program is like putting the “carriage” first before the” horse”! Our national political leaders’ should know better.
Furthermore, what is shocking is that our government wants to hold first a Constituent Assembly to amend the economic provision only to attract foreign investors in the Philippines. I really cannot understand most of our national political leaders way of thinking.
If they want to pursue a Constituent Assembly to amend our deficient 1987 Constitution by an expensive Constituent Assembly and limit it to only the economic provision, this is like shopping in a mall and buying “one-take-one”. Is it not wiser it you can avail of a sale “buying one-take-two or more”? What I’m trying to point out is that if ever we will have a Constituent Assembly soon, let’s have more than just one amendment. Let’s include say the following less controversial matters.
Correctly identify our sovereign territorial boundaries, based on international law.
Specify voting separately in a Constituent Assembly to change our Charter.
Adopt a right to clean and green environment, addressing “development aggressions”.
Adopt a Philippine-Style Federal System to address the Mindanao Independence Movement.
Minimize expensive elections by changing the terms of all elected officials to five years with one reelection effective in 2028.
Defining what is a political dynasty.
In doing this, more benefits for the country from an expensive Constituent Assembly, “Buy one-take-seven” in this case.” Tama o mall?”
On the other hand, the good news is that the “Samal Eagles Club” during their 10th Anniversary last February 3, 2024 in their Forum on Constitutional Reform and Federalism”, accepted the challenge to be responsible to lead the nationwide. People Renewal Program of a “Be a New Filipino” to compliment President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.’s Vision of “Bagong Pilipinas” that demands “Bagong Filipino”. When the “Samal Eagles Club” will formally launched said Program remains to be seen. Undoubtedly this is a very meaningful and lasting legacy of the Club to the Filipino people. In doing this, the Samal Eagles Club would soar high In our society.
Of course the bigger question is: “should our unresponsive 1987 Constitution be reformed?” What do our readers think? To pursue an honest-to-goodness Constitutional Reform is to overhaul our inadequate 1987 Constitution. This writer is for a Constitutional Reform via a Constitutional Convention – the most democratic and less controversial means of Charter Change (Cha-Cha). Expensive? I think it is worth the investment.
What is the rationale of Constitutional Reform? Simple – because our 1987 constitution flawed, unresponsive and inadequate. As I’ve previously explained, our 1987 Constitution is flawed because many of its important provisions are not self-executory. Our 1987 Constitution is unresponsive because it was rashly formulated without the needed public consultations and was drafted by only a few selected elite intellectuals. Our 1987 Constitution is inadequate because it did not follow the social doctrine principles of:
Just distribution of materials goods, and
Common good
In addition, it failed to take into account the four (4) major determinants of the real state of a nation, namely:
Kind of government
Kind of politics
Kind of economy
Kind of values
Obviously, our 1987 is obsolete to address the needs of our globalizing world and 4th Industrial revolution era of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Technology among other advancements.
As to the question of when to undertake an honest-to-goodness Constitutional Reform via Con-Con, let me just say, perhaps in 2031 or even 2040.
Let our Congress first hold a Constituent Assembly to just amend our inadequate 1987 Constitution hopefully later this year. Status quo in this regard means stagnation: This article is our clarion call for action.
What about the Mindanao Independence Movement? Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez of Davao del Node is incharge of the education of Mindanaons on the rationale of said Movement. Let’s give him the chance to educate us on this highly controversial issue. This is actually a revival of the “One Mindanao” advocacy before. To hasten his education drive, may I suggest that Rep. Alvarez come out with a “Primer on Mindanao Independence” to show that he’s really serious on this matter.
Per news report, “Alvarez cited as an example the case of Singapore’s separation from Malaysia in the 1960s to become an independent state.” As far as I know Singaporeans were united then when they seceded from Malaysia. Hence, Mindanaon’s unity is imperative in this regard.
Surety, my forth-coming Pamphlet titled “FIGHT MANILA IMPERIALISM” was written last 2023 is very timely. I’m the oldest, active and living advocate of Real Social Transformation in the Philippines for the purpose of healing our very sick society and for truly liberating our people and nation. At last, after all is said and done, there will be light at the end of the “dark tunnel” our country and people are traversing. All these new developments give us hope.