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PRO XI to review petition reinstating the reassigned Davao City police commanders

POLICE Regional Office XI director Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III said he would review the petition seeking the reinstatement of 19 recently reassigned Davao City Police Office (DCPO) station commanders.

When asked about the petition signed by Davao residents, which also calls to replace acting city police director Col. Hansel Marantan, Torre stated, “I will read the petition and see what can be done. The decision to designate or replace commanders depends on several factors, and the final decision will follow a proper process.”

Regarding the reasons for the initial reassignments, Torre explained, “It was an initial decision to examine how we can improve the current setup of the DCPO.” 

“The local government has been very supportive, but I found areas for improvement. Those who were replaced are still within the Davao region, and those who replaced them are also from Davao City,” he said.

Torre clarified that he brought in one officer from outside the region to lead the Buhangin police station, stating, “I wanted to give this officer exposure to Mindanao.”

During his assumption of office, Torre initially stated that there would be no revamp. 

However, after two weeks of observation, he decided that some commanders needed a new environment to be more efficient with their work.

Addressing concerns about the morale of the PNP and Davao residents due to the reshuffle, Torre said, “I would like to see the data that suggests Davao residents are demoralized. You might be surprised to find out that they don’t want me to leave.”

He assured the public that the police force has a system in place to ensure officers have time for themselves and their families.

“I can assure you that we have a system of detailing that ensures our police officers have time for themselves and their families,” Torre added.


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