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Police seize over P100,000 worth of illegal drugs in weekend drug busts

THE DAVAO City Police Office (DCPO) arrested three individuals and seized more than P100,000 worth of shabu during buy-bust operations conducted over the weekend.

Acting city police director Col. Hansel Marantan emphasized the DCPO’s ongoing commitment to combating illegal drugs and bringing those involved to justice.

“With the invaluable support of the community, who consistently provide information about individuals involved in illegal drugs, the DCPO team successfully conducted the following operations within just 24 hours,” Marantan stated.

Two anti-illegal drug operations were carried out by PS5-Buhangin and PS9-Tubok, resulting in the arrest of three suspects and the confiscation of shabu and marijuana leaves with a combined estimated street value of P143,140.00.

The PS5-Buhangin confiscated shabu worth an estimated P75,140 while PS9-Tubok confiscated shabu worth P65,000.

The DCPO expressed its commitment to ensuring the safety and security of the city and acknowledged the support of Barangay officials, the community, and the Local Government Unit in the fight against illegal drugs.

“Illegal drugs are a significant factor contributing to crime in various areas,” Marantan added. 

“The DCPO will continue to conduct operations against illegal drugs to provide a safer environment for all Dabawenyos,” he further said.


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