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The year might as well be known for its surges. Some towards good but notably also for the worrisome opposite. For one, the iconic Hallmark cards of old may still read  ‘Peace on Earth’ but I think now, it might as well add, ‘except for Ukraine and Gaza’. A tinge of sarcasm clings to the  lyrics  ‘Oh little town of Bethlehem, how still we see thee lie’, most of all when we line it up as a caption for a photograph of the town of Bethlehem at the present time, deserted and totally in ruins, after having been bombarded and destroyed by missiles and continued shellfire. The sadder truth is that even after this year’s Christmas till past the new year, this reality isn’t going out with 2024.

Meanwhile, for each and everyone, the year ends and we all have our own personal take on how we have managed to ride unpredictable 2024’s waves and current. The lucky and the hopeful, who might have struck good during the year merge with the bitter ones whom life may have treated differently. Whether they like to or not, despite different expectations and goals, trials and triumphs, they will bade the year-end for the last time and herald the coming of ’25 together.

While some may view ‘25 as a fresh deck of cards and a new beginning at life’s table, there with be those who will see it  as nothing but a mere continuation of the old year’s struggles. As such, they’d naturally insist we should stay grounded in spite of  the whole shebang and not get lost in the noise of the new year’s celebration and its worldwide appeal. By the second day of January 2025, all will have been back to normal and this yuletide season is past us.

No matter, what perhaps matters for each and every one  would be how we will face and deal with the trials of the new year. The world’s present affairs, troubling as some are, require a concerted effort on everyone and that won’t simply be solved quite easily. As for the political climate and cloud within our shores, it may yet unfold to reveal surprises beyond us. In the meantime as individuals,  even with outside factors constantly needling at each one’s tiny space, any course of action we decide to pursue will s entirely be our own and that’s the important thing. We own and control that.


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