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HONORING MY MOTHER | The endless quest

It is quite amusing that the Olympic Games fever, once set calmly down on the world, brings out the best and the worst in all of us. That said, one has only to watch with keen interest as to how people, institutions and countries set aside for the meantime differences, least of all animosities and even war, just so it could all be transposed into a few days of games and entertainment, reminiscent of what transpired in the Roman coliseum many centuries ago.

I see a certain similarity to what Marie-Antoinette was supposed to have said when she called out, ‘let them eat cake’ to the moment when a country’s modern-day gladiator becomes victorious at the games. Doesn’t the fever pitch effect created from out of that feels like its masses have eaten gold instead? Perhaps this was what exactly transpired in the minds of the men, women and children who were present among the crowds watching at the coliseum in Rome long ago.

A few days into the games, a vlogger commented, why it was that whenever an athlete of say, foreign blood but with Filipino descent, won or claimed any medal, we Filipinos celebrate like crazy, with our media instantly hyping about them being Fil-Am, Fil-Canadian or whatever? He further added, why can’t our Philippine media just plainly say what foreign country they represented and be done with it.

Even as I thought commenting on this was a waste of time, the backlash he received nonetheless from a hundred honest commenters and trolls alike, clearly pointed at his severe lack of national pride or appreciation. One could say, like a portion of dejected people watching at the coliseum in ancient Rome, they would also jump at the chance to hail any member of their race, even if they had mixed blood when they come out as winners. In the end, if you’re interested, the vlogger has long been silenced when gladiator Caloy finally secured a record two gold medals for the country. And this has brought on another predictable fancy.

Not as bad as that vlogger’s sin mind you, but the knee-jerk penchant for riding on the success of any hero, is a sure as the sun shines. Instantly, politicians, those especially in the locality of where one is from, will lay claim to being responsible for part of the journey to attaining victory. The government and its senators and congressmen will prepare lofty prizes for the winner, without first making sure to advertise these as their own initiatives. Naturally, province mates, neighbors and other people, at the drop of a hat, will adopt her or him as one of their own. And for a brief moment, all is well with the world. It’s not hard to imagine how it was after the Roman gladiator games. When the dust have finally settled inside the walls and the distracted throng heads home to face their own little realities. It would be as if the fever has finally broke and things would be the same as before.


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