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Saturday mornings, aside from being my religious laundry schedule, used to be an occasion for us three to enjoy early special breakfast prepared by the mum. After all, she had unilaterally decided long ago that Saturday was henceforth our special brekkie day. Being free from office duties and therefore freer to spoil us, “her boys”, she had wanted to surprise us with her many concoctions (willing Guinea pigs that we were).

However, that slowly changed when both of them got into that bummer called serious physical exercise. Everything started when there was a fun run initiated by people from the university, which the three of us joined. After that, the epiphany of “this is such a good thing” made itself known and that was that. Let it be known that when Davao’s coastal road was still unfinished, we were among the thousands of weekend joggers who braved the early morning cold to run and walk its length. When rains or bad weather hampered us from going there, we went back to the uni grounds for their laps. Lucky for me, they had a huge wall where I could practice my tennis.

Since that time, our special breakfasts by the mum became fewer and farther between, transplanted occasionally with a few visits to Jollies and Mcdos here and there, or with baons of brewed coffee in thermoses, bread and jams which we prepared the night before (or by me at four).

Though my son and I may have missed whatever food experiment she whipped up her sleeves every Saturday morning, we’ve slowly forgotten how exciting they had been for us two when we were in the mid of them all. As it is, the anticipation of where to have brekkie after every Saturday morning runs had turned into the next best incentive and carrot-on-a-stick for us her growing piglets. I had neglected to say, aside from those fast-food joints, we likewise took to checking out whatever undiscovered restaurant or mountain resort our nook in Mintal had stayed hidden from us. Dabawenyos will be surprised to know we’ve a quite a number, and really gifted with good food at that. would you believe there’s even a real French restaurant ten minutes away from our home? As for them other secret mountain retreats, it’s best you just pester Google like crazy. One thing to remember though, all these, only after a healthy early morning run, of course!



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