I’ve quite a few of these friends who call themselves tree-huggers and not until now, I
admittedly could not get whatever it was all about. I remember trying it one time,
wrapping my arms around one of many majestic trees inside the Mt. Makiling Forest
Reserve (at least I think that was what it was called), just below our workshop hall in the
late 80s. For one, the rough bark bit into the skin and second, near to kissing it, almost
cut my cheeks. Our companion, in an almost soft and chanting voice, had urged us
then, “feel the energy, feel it’s power” and like a sad pretender, I still felt out of it. I could
only see giant black ants crawling near my face.
Many years later, inside Subanen ancestral land, I became so enthralled by the sight of
one giant Molave, the urge to wrap my arms around it became so powerful, I could not
resist. I recall coming up with an excuse directed at our guide, I just wanted to measure
its width with my arms, but the truth was, I felt drawn to its sheer majesty like a fanatic
or lover even. “Feel the energy, feel the power”, a voice in my head had said and yup,
this time there was definitely something there, difficult for me to explain. New Age
people however say, it is connecting with nature, a trait we used to possess during the
very early days of our ancestors. Hard to explain but emotionally or perhaps
psychologically, proximity to these huge living things just humbles one no end, we’re
both in awe and in complete surrender of the emotion that overcomes us. Perhaps this
is why I now get what present-day outdoorsy types noisily harp about after their
camping trips. A jaded geezer might unceremoniously file them under been-there-done-
that but, it’s not his time anymore.
Meanwhile at the weekend, our clan and close family friends had gathered once again
at our mothership ancestral house to celebrate three March birthdays; mine and two of
our apos (grandchildren). The whole affair was extra special as my eldest son, took time
out from his busy job in Manila to be here for my 70 th . Doubly significant too, my younger
brother, who lived three hours away in a neighboring city, likewise came down for a
surprise visit, special shoutout to him. With almost half of the clan in attendance, a
reminiscence of the happier days of the compound was again up in the air. It was here,
during the many conversations after lunch, when someone again brought back
memories of past weekend lunches and dinners through the years, with our parents and
other elders still present. A lot of merriment, photo ops and catching up in those times.
Lots of hugging too, and that made each weekend seem like your typical fiesta.
The two connections played back in my mind right after. Apparently, while one has
already been relegated to my past outdoor adventure days, the other, hugging the
family tree and watching as it grows with each baby, Is one worth watching out for.