IT WILL now be a brighter future for the people of Davao de Oro after the whole province has been included in the proposed Senate Bill No. 2888 (House Bill No. 11072).
On Jan. 28, 2025, the Senate approved on the 2nd reading an improved version of SB No. 2888. The proposed bill will now include the whole province of Davao de Oro on top of Davao del Norte.
The inclusion of the rest of Davao de Oro in the franchise area of Davao Light answers one of the primary concerns of those opposing the bill – a possible rate hike. This was highlighted in a statement by Davao de Oro Rep. Maricar Zamora-Mabanglo, who is the co-author of HB No. 11072, on January 23, 2025. Though we question where she got her numbers, the congresswoman claimed that power rates will increase to P21.9200/kWh from P11.3801/kWh when Davao Light expands to Davao del Norte and Maco, Davao de Oro.
Although this claim of the good Congressman has been proven time again to be false – both at the committee level and the debates at the Senate, and by various government agencies like the ERC and the DOE – we still hope to get the support of the good Congressman if she is indeed after the welfare of her people.
With the inclusion of Davao de Oro, no one will now be left behind, as feared by Congresswoman Zamora. With the inclusion of Davao de Oro, everyone will now enjoy lower rates and better service.
Ryan Amper
Davao Consumer Movement