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Fire hits 2 buildings

Two buildings of a noodle factory were hit by fire in Barangay Toril Proper, Toril District, damaging around P3 million.

Senior Fire Officer 3 Ramil Gillado of the Bureau of Fire and Protection 11 said the fire started at the production area of Cheekees Pancit Canton located along Km. 14, MacArthur Highway in Toril at 8:34 p.m. on Thursday.

The owner of the buildings was identified as Julie Espera.

Firefighters of Toril Fire Station and other firefighter volunteers who responded to the fire scene were initially having a hard time in controlling the fire since the building was closed during the incident.

The fire spread to the adjacent building that was partially damaged.

It was declared fire out at 9:35 p.m.

Gillado said they are is still conducting further investigation to determine the cause of the fire.


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