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Editorial | Dengue alert

At this time of the year, the mosquito-borne disease dengue, plagues most parts of the country and many, most of them children, become vulnerable to the virus. The Department of Health reported last week, July 17, that there were already a total of 15 deaths in Davao region from January 1 to July 17, 2019 with more than 3,000 cases monitored.

This data is alarming because the number of those infected is twice as high as last year. Davao City registered the highest number of dengue cases at 1,630, followed by Compostela Valley with 701 cases and Davao Oriental with 562 cases.

What is important is that communities prevent the transmission of the dengue virus. Information campaigns have already been launched but still, the incidents continue to soar. The point is to prevent the Aedes Aegypti mosquito from accessing egg-laying habitats, such as in vases and pots, through cleaning and ensuring there is no stagnant water in the vicinity. It also means disposing solid waste properly and cleaning water storage containers.

Community participation and action to combat the dengue-carrying mosquito should be on top of the list for sustained control of the mosquito.

Those who show signs of having the infection must immediately seek medical help to reduce mortality rates. The health department urges the public to seek early consultation especially if one is suffering from severe headache, pain behind eyes, severe joint and muscle pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes.

Dengue has plagued many countries in the world, the World Health Organization said, reaching as far as the Americas and Europe. With the fear caused by the Dengvaxia, many are wary of seeking vaccination or immunization, for that matter. We are all vulnerable to this virus but the best we can do is to keep our homes and surrounding clean and to seek medical attention as soon as symptoms are monitored.


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