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CCC calls for collective action to protect biodiversity  

MANILA — The Climate Change Commission (CCC) emphasized the importance of protecting biodiversity and urged for a collective and inclusive action to address issues detrimental to the health of ecosystems and all life forms in the country.

The CCC explained the vital functions that ecosystems in the country perform. Biodiversity-rich ecosystems act as natural carbon sinks, absorbing large amounts of heat and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and oceans, thereby helping to regulate temperature and climate.

The Philippines is one of the 18 mega-biodiverse countries in the world. Its ecosystems, ranging from wetlands, tree forests, mangrove forests, and coral reefs, house between 70 and 80 percent of the world’s plant and animal species, making the country a hotspot for biodiversity conservation.

Currently, drivers of habitat and biodiversity loss in the country include illegal logging and fishing, mining, pollution, sea and land-use conversion, animal trafficking and poaching, and climate change.

Recognizing the value of biodiversity in addressing climate change and its effects, CCC vice chairperson and executive director Robert E.A. Borje urged collective action to protect the country’s biodiverse ecosystems.

“Biodiversity is crucial for ecosystem balance and our well-being, and it’s increasingly threatened by climate change. We must work together to protect natural habitats, adopt sustainable practices, and support strong environmental policies. By acting now and by being part of the plan, we can ensure a resilient world for future generations,” said Borje.

In the Philippines’ draft National Adaptation Plan, ecosystems and biodiversity are identified as one of the eight key sector outcomes, making Philippine biodiversity and ecosystems a priority area for adaptation efforts.

The 2023-2028 Philippine Development Plan also emphasizes strategies to improve and protect the country’s biodiversity, primarily through intensified monitoring, protection, management, and rehabilitation.

The CCC remains steadfast in its commitment to protect and preserve Philippine biodiversity. Recognizing the ecological services that biodiversity-rich ecosystems provide, the CCC actively seeks further ways to establish mechanisms that effectively aid the protection, conservation, and preservation of our biodiversity and ecosystems.

The International Day for Biological Diversity is celebrated annually on May 22 to emphasize the importance of public education and awareness about biological diversity. The UN designated this date during the General Assembly and Convention on Biological Diversity on February 8, 2001. This year, the theme “Be part of the Plan,” encompasses the need for a whole-of-society approach in protecting biodiversity.

For more information on the CCC’s climate mainstreaming activities, visit and



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