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HONORING MY MOTHER: A simple case of choice

We should always appreciate the fact that our ability to choose is a precious gift in itself. Never mind that, to a certain degree, this ability is limited and not equally enjoyed by some. The important thing is that the mechanics behind making choices nevertheless remain the same.\How we arrive at any decision or choice, is generally the direct results of a series of experiences that are marked by trial and error. All these learnings continually hone our abilities as we process them, learn from them, and lastly, prepare us to make a rational decision. (In all, the whole process reminds one of high school science laboratory experiments.)

It is largely because of all these steps that making even the simplest choice, is actually more of a developed skill, rather than a reflex action that is a built-in, or intuitive element present inside all of us.

It likewise cannot be argued that in almost all aspects of life, we have an unlimited number of choices within our reach. This means that, if something does not work out, or when we make a wrong decision, we can always replace it and choose another available option.

However, there is a big “but” in this life contract, and in fine print too, if you will. It is stipulated that when making certain decisions, they should be in accordance with bedspace arrangements here on Earth. As such, we have to take into consideration other fellow occupants.

In the same manner, they must likewise include us in some of the choices that they will act on. People who have lived in dormitories can relate to the rules and regulations of such arrangements. Often, this is non-negotiable, no ifs or buts, and effective immediately.

To put everything in perspective, the fellow bedspacers in question could either be our spouses, or our children, parents or even our close friends; and the subject that may involve them in our decision making might as well be the pandemic situation we are all in today.

Simply put, in this pandemic, each and everyone must keep in mind that always, there will be decisions or choices we will make that will have a direct impact on each other. When we decide for example, not to wear a mask because of personal discomfort, we risk catching the virus. If or when this happens, we are thus endangering them and putting others within our circles at risk.

Thus, this gift of having a choice therefore becomes a double-edged sword, and a boon and a bane, when handled carelessly. We have people whom we love and care about. Every step we take in these hard times, we should take with them in mind. In this case, that may be the only choice.



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