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ROUGH CUTS | The President could be misinformed

So the occasion where Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil was taken a video shot singing his heart out and jokingly calling out fugitive Pastor Apollo C. Quiboloy to come out of hiding and surrender was inside the Regional Headquarters in Panacan? He said in his explanation that it was some kind of a program where he and the off-duty policemen especially those manning the Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church (KOJC) massive search, were able to bond with each other after an exhausting three or four days of guarding the perimeter.

Well, it was unfortunate that the PNP failed to discover that the KOJC has a mole in the police rank. The mole could be a uniformed member or a civilian personnel of the PNP Regional Office. Yes, the person taking the video of General Marbil could not have taken the same and shared it with the KOJC leaders directing the activities at the religious sect’s headquarters if he or she is not sympathetic to the Pastor and to his Church.

What a tragedy for the police knowing that they are supposed to deny the KOJC with anything that they can use against the law enforcers. With that incident no one can prevent the KOJC leaders from creating a scenario similar to the history of old Rome. The KOJC may compare the Marbil singing incident to that of Roman Emperor Nero “playing the flute while Rome was burning.”

Fast forward to the current KOJC main headquarters’ current situation the latter may not be burning literally. But it is one dump of “combustible” issues that could erupt into a major fire if there will be no end to the stoking done by both the Police (government) and the KOJC fanatics.

May be it is about time that there has to be some kind of a negotiating body composed of representatives from the Police and from the camp of the Pastor-in-hiding. The body should discuss ways for a possible peaceful surrender of the Pastor with terms and conditions agreeable to both camps.

The representatives from the Pastor’s camp must make their leader fully aware of the consequences should he opt to continue defying the law including, but not limited, to the humiliation that he may suffer should he be captured by the already very exhausted policemen instead of having a peaceful surrender.


We totally agree with the observation of our friends in the media and from common citizens that President Marcos, Jr. may have been misinformed possibly intentionally about the non-carrying of firearms by the policemen now locked in the battle of nerves with the fanatical members of the Religious sect Kingdom of Jesus Christ Church.

Yes, the President may have given his reaction to police claims that not a single law enforcer is armed while doing their assigned task inside and outside the KOJC compound. The video shots shared in social media show that there are a number of armed policemen. In fact the rifles, all powerful, were shown rested on the ground while the policemen were taking their nap to recover their lost agility after they brave the heat of the sun or shudder in the coldness of an almost daily rain occurring at the site of the KOJC Church these past few days.

We believe therefore that the President is forced to commit mistakes in his statements regarding the Quiboloy arrest warrant serving courtesy of the people who are within his closest circle. Why will not President Marcos, Jr. come personally to the site to do his exhaustive validation, or send/commission a civilian or member of the media who could give him an unbiased observation? He should not rely on the policemen alone as they’d rather protect themselves first instead of the President .


What happened to an earlier call by first district councilor of Davao City Tek Ocampo to the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) regional office to shed light on their projects of destroying still very passable roads in the downtown areas supposedly for repair purposes, or for asphalt over-laying on the concreted pavement?

Was there any session of the Sanggunian where representatives of the DPWH attended to explain to the councilors why they are doing such?

We are asking this question because during last week’s regular session Councilor Edgar Ibuyan Jr., stood to again call the attention of the DPWH on the same issue. Why, has the DPWH ignored the call of the Council?

Honestly, we strongly agree with the councilor’s move to ask for a better clarification why the DPWH is spending so much public money first in destroying roads that are still in good condition and repairing the same or overlaying them with asphalt when concrete pavement certainly provides better traction for vehicle tires.


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