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Some things you never learn right away. There used to be a time when as little children, we always took for granted the simple things we regularly woke up to. The chirping sounds of birds in the morning, the pot-pot horn of the pandesal guy as he made his rounds up your street or the soft clanging in the kitchen as others members in the household prepared breakfast. All these appeared fleeting and so typical of every day, we brushed them aside to “follow our heart” and do as we pleased. (That term takes on new meaning during our later years, but as children, it was innocent enough. We were basically idiots.)

I remember pre-school days quite well. The first thing I looked for when I woke up was where my toy soldiers have gone. For a time, nothing else will matter in this world where all children must pass. This was a magical time and it felt like a free pass was in effect and like the tiny tots that we were, we also assumed we could be a boss to all. I guess that’s what we always hear grownups say, we kids have got the world in the palm of our hands.

It’s only much later that one realizes this almost-clockwork routine of things happening in the house, outside in the streets and in the world all happens independently and doesn’t require your blessing, much less our attention. This first lesson, the world doesn’t revolve around you, is one bitter pill and mastering this lesson will take time, way beyond childhood for many. If not from the parents or elders in the household, it’s our teachers who will break the bad news for you: You can’t always get what you want.

I once heard a sobbing kinder cry out to her mom that the “teach” did not let her play. That may have been innocent and cute for us perhaps but the start of a life-long trauma for the poor kids. It’s another shock once they realize that school is every day and their freedom is now limited. In the end, while many eventually adjust and are able to get through this ‘new world order’, unfortunately, there will be those whom we’ll see grow up and still not know the cheat at playing life. I just read a cartoon quip from Alvin, crying out to the readers, “Kids, don’t grow up, it’s a trap!”


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