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Of the many things to appreciate, the one that I think should come first should be thankful appreciation of waking up to a quiet early morning. But birds have a first go at it, chirping themselves crazy at 5:00 am. Then come the puppies barking their heads off over snub felines unmindful of their attention while nimbly crossing over fences. Last come from somewhere, a neighbor’s one-year old bawling endlessly, demanding to come out and play. All these, happening all at once as though a mad orchestra was amok around where you’re at and you haven’t even had your coffee yet. Alas, that thankful appreciation is right away put on hold until you’ve gotten your bearings and steady enough to face the new day.

That much is true however, just waking up alive is a blessing nobody should ever take for granted. No matter, what’s one up for this grouch upon waking up, is that it should almost always be on his own terms (if the missus permits). That (if the dragon permits) is non-negotiable. Just as breakfast, they say, is the most important meal of the day, the first moments upon waking up in the morning should likewise be regarded as another essential component to a good day. Bilibid or not, it can even influence how one’s day is going to be.

Finally, after this and a quiet morning, next would be coffee, that pick-me-up-and-go vitamin. Many a meme has been written about nothing coming between religious coffee lovers and their choices of brew, and this is no work of fiction. That said, it would not be too difficult to comprehend what a noisy and a no-coffee morning were to happen. A mini version of hell might be a close comparison. For sure, one always prays to the god of dark roast that day never comes.

The final boss, after hurdling through all these mini-villains bent at denying you of a quiet morning at coffee, is the legendary chatty brekkie companion. The question remains, why is it always that, the constant partner to a hot cup is not bread or any other breakfast meal, but a talkative person across the table? Much has been said about this entity, but only a few has been filtered through out of fear. The reason for this perhaps (and let’s keep it a secret) is because most companions at the breakfast table happen to be the very ones one has slept with the night before… not a feared monster of lore, mind you, though running close second…one’s better half!

As this develops and the plot thickens, it’s all back to the drawing board. At the very least, one has to change the standards at defining what ideal mornings should be like and think no more. A clear case of whether you like it or else.


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