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The heavy rains in the evenings continually wreak havoc on our steep slopes, causing deadly landslides in the mountainsides, making trips to the provinces a gamble. Meanwhile, these downpours lead to the overflowing of tributaries and rivers, threatening settlements, including several low-lying areas in the city.

As if these were not enough, the subsequent flooding of some streets always seems to come at a time when these vital roads are amply-decorated with one lane-roadside diggings and other road repairs. Perfect timing! Just an observation, a neighbor sighs amused, as though not daring to play the blame game any further. As for me, I tell him the regularity of the rains in the evenings have tamed me somewhat to not be daring enough to leave the house unless we’ve got scheduled gigs downtown. Instead, I just pray for those stranded in the streets in the rain, on their way home, while diligently watching neighbors in umbrellas half-run past our house on their way to the finish line of their own doorsteps.

There used to be a time many years ago when my mate and I once rented a house near the subdivision of Skyline. When we first saw the house, we were instantly captivated by its high walls, a small pond with a grotto, and quiet ambience. As such, we thought it was such a steal when we got it. But once the rainy season came, the slope behind the house slowly brought water inside, flooding half the house and thus making me dread each heavy downpour that came thereafter. When I still lived with my parents, a portion of the subdivision in back of our family residence was likewise prone to heavy flooding. Whenever a heavy downpour came, neighbors were prone to say, ‘those in Phase Five must be praying right now’.

And so it is. Be among the thousand commuters drenched by the side of the road in the evening downpour or for the less lucky, have your house be overrun by rampaging waters. Heads you win, tails you lose.

Finally, with rains and heavy traffic like virus on the prowl, it’s quite amusing that whenever another friend learns that my son and I are presently stuck in traffic in the downtown area, she’s always quick to text and tease, ‘we’re just so brave to face such chaotic situations.’

I reply, take the car or take the jeep and bus, it’s still the same. Unless we become lucky enough in the future to dwell high up in a slide-free mountain top and not worry about flooded streets, road repairs and other nuances like traffic and sunken abodes, we’re still like restaurant customers, stuck with the same order, on limited funds


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