Regional Civil Engineer Divina Sonido; Legal Section Head and Davao Region Ad Hoc Grievance Board convenor Atty. Robee Camille Desabelle-Sumatra; and PDOHO Davao del Sur Provincial Health Team Leader Ms. Salvacion “Neng” Rodriguez.
THIS NATIONAL Women’s Month, DOH Davao puts the spotlight on the diversity of women in public health and the leadership roles that they play in the journey toward improving the health of the communities that they serve.
Inspired by the theme “Babae sa Lahat ng Sektor, Aangat ang Bukas sa Bagong Pilipinas,” this story shows a glimpse of how women from across disciplines—whether in law, engineering, or program management—contribute to public health.
Women and family health
DOH’s efforts on family health ripples throughout millions of mothers and their children, improving the well-being of families. Dr. Janis Olavides contributes to DOH’s implementation of health programs through her leadership in the Family Health Cluster and as DOH Davao’s focal for the National Immunization Program. She works with fellow program managers to build local government unit capacity as well as ensure the success of the Nutrition Health, Newborn Screening, National Safe Motherhood, Adolescent and Youth Health Development, Women and Children Protection, Child Health, Oral Health, and Family Planning programs.
She believes that family health starts with a woman’s health.
“A woman’s physical, social, mental, and emotional well-being is paramount to the rest of the family’s overall health,” Dr. Olavides said. “A woman is an advocate for herself and her immediate family. She holds the power to change and to uplift a community.”
The foundations of health
In the bigger picture, health infrastructure is the key element to make health accessible for everyone. The work of Engr. Divina Sonido contributes to realizing coverage and accessibility of health services in Davao through infrastructure. One of the key projects that she oversees is the construction of DOH Super Health Centers, which aim to assist and address gaps in ancillary services provided by Rural Health Units (RHUs).
These Super Health Centers are a part of the Health Facility Enhancement Program of DOH to fulfill the requirements for Primary Care Facilities and to strengthen the implementation of Universal Health Care.
“Engineering is not just about calculations, it’s about compassion—the best blueprint available. We look beyond the infrastructure and imagine the people who will walk through those doors: mothers, children, and the elderly. We build for their health,” Engr. Sonido said.
Equity and justice in health
Policies that look after those who provide care are important in public health. Atty. Robee Camille Desabelle-Sumatra is the Attorney III of the Legal Section of DOH Davao, and she works for equity and justice in health. Apart from the routines of providing legal counsel, reviewing contracts, and conducting investigations and hearings for admin cases, Atty. Sumatra has most recently taken the lead to convene the Davao Region Ad Hoc Grievance Board, putting DOH Davao in the frontlines of serving and addressing healthcare worker complaints concerning their benefits and allowances.
“As a woman in public health, I recognize the challenges that many health workers, particularly women, face in securing their rightful benefits under the law. My personal commitment to equity and justice drives me to champion policies that safeguard the rights and well-being of those who dedicate their lives to caring for others,” Atty. Sumatra said.
Social services for health
Leading in public health means leading with empathy. Mahadeah Emberga shows an example of this as the regional coordinator of DOH’s Medical Assistance to Indigent and Financially Incapacitated Patients (MAIFIP) Program. Apart from program management, coordination, monitoring, and patient registry, at the heart of her work is connecting patients in need with medical assistance for in-patient or out-patient services, to emergency services, drugs, and medicines. Social work undeniably requires a lot of heart, and she is never afraid to show hers. This always makes days at work to be filled with purpose and meaning.
“Managing the MAIFIP Program has taught me that true leadership isn’t about having all the answers; it’s about listening and understanding the needs of the patients we serve,” Emberga said. “Leading with empathy makes me more compassionate and determined to make sure that DOH meets the needs of women, children, and other vulnerable groups.”
Bringing health to the grassroots
In DOH’s capacity as a provider of technical assistance and resources to local government units, a provincial presence, known as a Provincial DOH Office (PDOHO), works to carry out local health system mandates, implementing health policy and programs at the grassroots level. Ms. Salvacion “Neng” Rodriguez takes the lead in this for PDOHO Davao del Sur.
Through the years, she has been instrumental in initiating the establishment of the D’MABAMAS Interlocal Health Zone (ILHZ) Inc., an inter LGU cooperation and partnership among five LGUs: Digos City, Magsaysay, Bansalan, Matanao, and Sta. Cruz. This DOH-initiated network has been running for almost 15 years and is recognized by the Davao del Sur province as a Primary Care Provider Network which, under the Universal Health Care, ensures a functional health referral system from the barangays to rural health units and serves patient needs appropriately.
The women who inspire her are the same people who influence her leadership.
“The woman of my life is my mother. She taught me reverence for God, the habit of giving thanks in everything, and love for my family and community. This influences my work together with the women and volunteers in the province who champion health through public service,” Rodriguez said.
Not only are women taking the lead in DOH, they are also embodying diverse roles that bring success to every step towards achieving better health for Davao Region.