The Philippines is certainly catching up with its ASEAN neighbors in terms of developing a Halal economic ecosystem.

“We are fast catching up, that’s why we need to work harder in promoting Halal,” said Universal Islamic Center president Marilou Ampuan during the opening of the 4th Philippine Halal Trade & Tourism Expo last May 3 at Abreeza Mall.

The Universal Islamic Center, which runs the annual event, is also the institutional partner of Davao City Halal Industry Development Council.
According to an Adroit Market Research survey in 2017, the global Halal market size is expected to grow to US$9.71 trillion by 2025. This surge, led by Islamic nations including Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, Nigeria, and Iran, is expected to boost the global Halal products market reach. Meanwhile, investments in Philippine, Chinese and Thai Halal industries are also expected to increase in market concentration in the next 5 years.

“The growth is spurred by a growing Muslim and non-Muslim consumers – because Halal is not just about food but about all things, tangible and intangible, lawful and permissible in the eyes of God that we can benefit from – mentally, physically and spiritually,” she added. Halal products and services covers finance, food and beverages, media and recreation, tourism, pharmaceutical, fashion, and cosmetics.
In order to meet the demands, more Halal products and services need to be certified. This is where the Department of Trade and Industry comes in, being one of the lead government agencies, along with the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos, Department of Tourism, Mindanao Development Authority, and the Department of Science and Technology. The latter launched a Halal verification laboratory early last year here in Davao City.

“This is in line with our collaborative endeavor in making Davao the pilot Halal and Muslim-friendly trade and tourism destination in the Philippines. To date, the city now has a total of 29 establishments recognized as Halal and Halal-friendly (pork-free), while 9 now carry a Halal certification,” Ampuan disclosed.
This year’s theme is “Halal Trade and Tourism, Healthy Life: Awareness and Sustainability”.