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Stitching a Brighter Future: Hedcor, Aboitiz Foundation empower indigenous women in Bukidnon

Indigenous women in Bukidnon embrace new sewing skills, unlocking opportunities for a sustainable and thriving future.

In the remote areas of Bukidnon, indigenous and tribal communities face significant challenges in accessing education and skills training. Traditionally reliant on farming and hunting, these communities have limited opportunities for economic growth.

Recognizing this need, Hedcor, an AboitizPower renewable energy asset manager, in partnership with the Aboitiz Foundation, has initiated a transformative sewing skills training program for the Guihean IP Women’s Association in Barangay Guihean, Impasugong, Bukidnon.

Covering essential topics such as sewing technology, machine setup, measurements, pattern drafting, and the sewing process, the training provided these women with hands-on experience in producing practical items like rags, draft patterns, and curtains. This training is set to make a significant impact on the community, enabling the IP women to explore new livelihood opportunities and diversify their economic activities beyond traditional practices.

SEWING A BRIGHTER FUTURE. Women from the Guihean IP Women’s Association in Bukidnon, proudly
showcase their new sewing skills, ready to transform their community’s economic landscape.

At the conclusion of the training, Hedcor and the Aboitiz Foundation further supported the initiative by providing two sewing machines and complete sewing kits, including cloth and other materials. These resources are now housed in the tribal hall, serving as the community’s production area.

Elisa Anlicao, a participant in the program, expressed her gratitude, stating, “Mag-practice mi pirmi para daghan pa mi og mga matun-an. Daku kaayu ni nga tabang kay daghan mig pwede matahi so mudako sad ang among kita,” (We will practice regularly to learn more. This is a huge help because we can sew more items, which will increase our income.)

With their new skills and equipment, the Guihean IP Women’s Association plans to expand their sewing ventures. They aim to produce school  uniforms and traditional IP attire, which will not only meet local needs but also create additional income streams. The introduction of these products is expected to foster entrepreneurship and self-reliance within the community.

Hedcor President and COO Rolando Pacquiao emphasized the importance of the initiative, saying, “We are committed to supporting sustainable livelihood projects that empower communities. By equipping these women with valuable sewing skills and the necessary tools, we hope to inspire future generations to pursue diverse and sustainable means of livelihood.”

This initiative reflects Hedcor’s strong commitment to long-term, sustainable development, ensuring that even the most remote communities in Bukidnon have the opportunity to thrive.


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