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SPMC intensifies Safe Streets campaign

THE SOUTHERN Philippines Medical Center advocates “Safe Streets” for public awareness and information dissemination on defensive driving and road safety.

During the Kapihan sa PIA at NCCC Victoria Plaza on May 24, Dr. Kenny Gene R. Salvador, emergency trauma physician at the SPMC, said vehicle-related injuries topped the cases they received, followed by assault and violence, and fall injuries. 

Vehicle-related trauma also has a high mortality rate with severe cases estimated at 40-50% survival rate.

According to their data, SPMC gathered increasing trauma cases with around 1,300 in January and 1,600 in March. Of the total in March, 600 were vehicle-related. The hospital also catered to around 100 to 150 patients with trauma cases.

“Usually, sir, vehicle-related injuries come in severe already. Not just minor cases, not just abrasions, lacerations. They come in polytrauma meaning there are a lot of organs or areas of the body involved,” he said.

Salvador added that 10-20% of the vehicle-rated cases involved alcohol.

“We have a high number of head injuries severe, moderate, and mild, and they are closely attributed to motorcycle crashes with or without wearing helmets,” he said.

Ang majority ng incidents are on the working age 40 to around 20 and then lower pero again there is still a substantial number in school-aged children and also the adolescents,” he said.

Tibungco, Calinan, and Diversion Road are considered hotspot areas due to the number of crashes and incidents occurring in these zones. 

Photo: Bing Gonzales


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