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SMILEES roadshow highlights Davao City’s sustainable development initiatives

By Lisa Marie Mesiona/AdDU Intern


THE LOCAL government showcased the city’s sustainable development initiatives in the recently-held Small and Medium Industries and Large Enterprises Embracing Sustainability (SMILEES) roadshow. 

The city government established its initiatives through the Local Climate Change Action Plan of 2019 to 2023, a project formulated to pursue and secure the city’s development gains and sustainable efforts by building disaster-resilient and climate-change adaptive communities.

Among the government’s sustainable efforts was the protection of urban forestry and water resources by distributing 98,411 seedlings and planting 27,346 seedlings and 31,711 propagules. 

Additionally, the city produced and distributed 10,431 seedlings and around 925 kilos of assorted vegetables to 552 beneficiaries to foster organic farming. 

The city also developed its parks in Los Amigos, Roxas Avenue, and Phase 1 of Doña Vicenta, with the latter’s Phase 2 up for construction.

“The development of these parks really helped the growth of businesses in the area, specifically the Roxas Night Market,” Errol Denosta, Davao City Project Monitoring and Evaluation Division chief, said.

Further highlighted in the presentation were the disaster risk reduction and management efforts of the local government, which conducted 208 trainings, 159 drills, and 113 benchmarking activities. Peace and order also heightened through the establishment of Peace 911 and constant cooperation with Davaoeños.

The Securities and Exchange Commission-led SMILEES event promoted the overall importance of sustainability among private and public sectors.


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