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Senator Dela Rosa urges police restraint after SWAT deployment near KOJC compound stirred public alarm

SENATOR Ronald Dela Rosa, chairperson of the committee on public order and dangerous drugs, has called upon the Police Regional Office XI (PRO XI) to maintain a less intimidating presence during their operations, particularly at checkpoints.

This comes after a recent deployment of the PNP-SWAT unit outside the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (KOJC) compound in Buhangin District, which caused alarm among residents and resulted in traffic congestion.

The SWAT team’s presence in full battle gear with covered vehicle plates was likened to a war zone by netizens and motorists.

Dela Rosa presided over a public hearing on August 5, 2024, to investigate the PNP’s June 10, 2024 operation at the KOJC compound aimed at serving a warrant against Pastor Apollo Quiboloy.

The hearing sought to determine if the police had acted excessively during the operation.

Dela Rosa emphasized the committee’s goal to determine if the PNP acted excessively while executing the warrant.

 He stressed the importance of not exceeding their mandate and avoiding excessive force, especially in performing their duties.

He questioned the presence of heavily armed SWAT officers in full gear, which he said had terrorized residents near the KOJC compound. 

He asked Police Regional Office XI Director, Brigadier General Nicolas Torre III, to explain the situation.

Torre attributed the deployment to the presence of wanted individuals within the compound. 

He cited the strong resistance encountered during the June 10 operation and the need to prevent escape.

 He also mentioned the large number of trucks, container vans, and buses leaving the compound unchecked due to insufficient police manpower.

Senator Dela Rosa acknowledged the PNP’s mandate to execute the warrant but expressed concern over the fear instilled in Davao residents, who likened the situation to martial law.

He questioned the identity of the masked, unnamed officers who refused to answer media inquiries.

Torre confirmed that the officers were from the Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB) XI, assuring Davao residents that they were local police. 

Dela Rosa urged the police to maintain a friendly demeanor while performing their duties, emphasizing the importance of not intimidating the public.

Torre clarified that the media scrutiny came primarily from SMNI, a network affiliated with KOJC, and its personnel, who were seeking details about the operation. He stated that SMNI and KOJC members were operating outside their bounds on public roads and were subject to the same checkpoints as everyone else.

Eleanor Cardona, a KOJC representative, urged Senator Dela Rosa to prevent General Marbil from leaving the hearing due to an incident requiring his attention. Dela Rosa instructed Cardona to address any questions through him.

Cardona then read a statement from former President Rodrigo Duterte, dated June 30, 2024, condemning the June 10th raid as a day of infamy. Duterte criticized the lack of search warrants, the excessive force used, and the violation of basic rights. He vowed to take legal action and hold those responsible accountable.

Cardona expressed gratitude for the opportunity to share KOJC’s sentiments, reiterating Duterte’s condemnation of the raid. She described the simultaneous attacks on four KOJC compounds as brutal and unexpected, emphasizing the presence of innocent civilians, including children and the elderly.

She highlighted the peaceful nature of KOJC members and their history of cooperation with law enforcement during previous warrant executions.

Also, NBI XI director Lawyer Arcelito Albao confirmed their peaceful reception at KOJC during prior warrant executions, resulting in the arrest of five co-accused of Pastor Quiboloy.

They emphasized their professional and peaceful approach, which led to no complaints.

Dela Rosa acknowledged the respect held for the local NBI in Davao.


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