After seeing what our good friend Fides S. Castaneda posted on Facebook on March 26, 2020, we kept thinking about the noble deeds that are being done to ease the burden of our doctors and nurses and medical teams all over the world and especially in our own city, in this fight against the pandemic called Covid 19.

Today, we share this story as posted by Fides “Ditdit” Castaneda, COO of Panorama Summit Hotel in Cabantian, Davao City: “Thank you very much for adopting our doctors and nurses: Panorama Summit Hotel’s Renato and Mrs. Linda Castaneda – ten doctors; Erick and Shirley Dimple Castaneda-Lajo – six doctors and nurses; Blue Genes: Ateneo de Davao University High school Batch ’94 through contact person Lelet Serrano Cartagena – forty doctors/nurses, Engr.KR and Mrs. Tetet Mejos; KL Te – eleven doctors/nurses; Edward and Rel Cates – thirteen doctors and nurses.”
Ditdit, who says she set aside all personal activities to join video-calls and phone calls to answer to the urgent calls of the situation, talking to friends and getting in touch with suppliers to complete this task. ”I had not even gone to the shower, but never mind, what we are doing is worth it….knowing we’re doing something to save our doctors, our frontliners…the best we can!”
“It may be No work, No pay for us, but God provides in so many ways.. Praising You Jesus, our Lord and Saviour!”
“Special thanks to Ate Golda Divinagracia for initiating this!” adds Ditdit.
Today, we gathered more details from Ditdit. “Bayani Hand Davao..a name we called our team. Bayani, frontliners are Heroes; Hand- for helping hands; Bayanihan – We fight Covid 19 as a community, Davaoenos are in this together.
Core group: Golda Divinagracia, Fides S. Castaneda, Janet Rodriguez and Kathy Hao.
“I do not know the others, since I am close only to Tita Golda. But since our main agenda is to be able to help our frontliners fight Covid 19 while we are in the comfort of our own homes, we joined the team.”
“We promised each other we will not think of business or money but LIFE.
We have to take care of the frontliners, because if they are not around, what is going to happen to us? They say, it takes twenty-two years for one to be a doctor.”
“At the start, we wanted to raise funds so we could buy 200 PPEs for doctors, that is why we called the group “Adopt A Doctor” but we received calls that nurses needed them, too, and so we opted for five hundred PPEs for Adopt-a-Frontliner”.
“Our posts on FB and texts helped a lot!”