It was a last-minute decision for us to attend the grand alumni homecoming of the Philippine Women’s University, our Alma Mater. Coming from far south of the country, we hesitated to buy an airline ticket at the last minute as the rates have gone up. But a classmate from Cagayan de Oro City, Marinela “Girlie” Velez communicated with us that she had decided to go just for two days and was eager to go to the reunion. This got us excited and therefore flew to Manila on February 23 to meet former classmates and schoolmates at PWU.
Dr. Francisco B. Benitez, PWU President writes: “For the last 100 years, this institution has endeavored to make a difference in the lives of individuals and our nation as a whole. Our founders, recognizing the family as a fundamental site of intervention for community development, citizenship and national progress, sought to bridge the divides separating the domestic, political and the professional spheres. A century later, that mission remains more relevant than ever.”

Mrs. Victorina Sales, Chair of the PWU Board of Trustees says: “For almost 100 years, this institution has mentored students and fostered citizens through a curriculum centered on holistic character formation, the preservation of cultural and national heritage, family solidarity, ethical professionalism and service to the country.”

Members of the PWU alumni from Davao City and from the PWC of Davao attended the Grand Reunion held at the Conrad Hotel to meet schoolmates who came from all over the country and abroad, including alumni from PWC Iloilo.