It is of inherent character of men who composed the Lions Club International which up to now continue to grow in number for each one of the men willing to share his time, talent and resources, have made them members of the world’s largest civic organization. They are men of “virtuous deeds” who involve themselves humanitarian service in response to the Lions motto “We Serve”.

The Davao City (Host) Lions Club, was the first Lions Club to be chartered in Mindanao. On July 9,1999, it celebrated its Golden Charter Anniversary and many of the officers and members paused to look at their hindsight and assess the honor and respect to those men who made Lionism in this part of the country worthy of its existence.
The first Lions Club of the Philippines was formed on March 23, 1949 – the Manila (host) Lions Club Immediately took the initiative to charter other Lions clubs in the provinces resulting in the formation and charter of the Bacolod City Lions Club. The same Lions came to Mindanao and successfully organized the Davao City (Host) Lions Club. Many believed, this is the second provincial Lions club to be chartered in the country.
It was on July 7, 1949 that around 25 civic-minded businessmen and professionals gathered at Apo View Hotel with the presence of Lions Club International representative Atwood Lawrence and a Lion from Manila who accompanied him to convince those present to form a Lions club in Davao City. There was a positive acceptance of the proposal and immediately Lions Club International was advised, thus the Charter date was on July 9, 1949, two days after the organizational meeting. But it took almost a year after, that the presentation, in a memorable formal dinner affair, was effected and Charter Club President Jose Perez de Tagle accepted the Charter. That was on August 25, 1950 and the club was officially accepted by the Lions Club International as Lions District 301-E.
On October 27, 2019, a program and dinner was held at the Grand Men Seng Hotel in Davao City where Installation and Induction of Club Officers and New Members was held.
Guests included Michael So, Jose A, Cua, Percival Miravite, Jocelyn Tan, Arnold Alindada, Charles Darwin Javellana, Ruben Santos and friends.
Photo Credits: Chiao Yap
Marilyn Roque