With the Covid-19 outbreak, many donors have postponed their scheduled blood donations. But the need for blood never rests. This observation comes from the Philippine Red Cross, Davao City Chapter, which of course is understood, caused by the Enhanced Community Quarantine. In this situation, assurance is given that donating blood is safe, and donors need not hesitate to give. “At each blood donation, your safety is our top priority.
Our blood bank staff follows safety protocols such as: Frequent hand washing/sanitizing; Use of disposable mask; Regular disinfection of equipment; strict implementation of social distancing and other safety measures” Blood Donor Recruitment Officer Mr. Rhizh Abellano welcomes queries and booking and can be reached at 09088749460 / 09328600468 /09177040458. Also thru (082) 227-3949; Facebook – Philippine Red Cross – Davao City Chapter and email davaocity@redcross.org.ph. Marilyn C. Roque