Like most housewives and mothers who have found more time on their hands during ECQ, Annie Paz Lim says she is busy bonding with her husband Joey and daughter Michelle, trying to teach her the basic home economics she can use in the future, such as doing the laundry, cleaning, organizing her things and cooking.
But that is not all. Annie shares “On the first month, which was March, I was busy helping to look for PPEs and masks for SPMC frontliners and other hospitals.”
“April, I started the ‘Mission impossible… I can’, where we packed some goods for various frontliners. Friends and some of our clients helped out, too, by sending goods, biscuits, coffee, juice to our house and we did the packing and distribution.”

“Over five hundred packs were distributed to various frontliners staying in different schools and inns, SPMC, other hospitals, charitable institutions and Balay Dangupan.”

“We hope that by the end of April my staff and I will be able to pack some rice and goods for those in need and for those who did not receive any ration.”
Belonging to the Organizing, Events Planning Industry, which was a flourishing business in Davao City, the ECQ seemed to have plunged them into Limbo, causing some of the members to panic. Annie Paz Lim, who is a much sought-after Events Planner because of her good taste and artistic talent in dressing up venues of parties, conventions, weddings and other socials, is reaching out to help those in need at this time of quarantine. She also worries that her staff of more than thirty, who depend much on working for her team have no one to turn to.
She believes that they can think of some worthy projects to be able to extend help to one another in this crucial time when earning for the daily meal is getting to be a much harder task. Maybe a tie-up with some people who are in business selling food, sewing masks, something which is badly needed in the New Normal environment of our city can be a solution to the crisis and lessen the worry that has crept in among them. Looking for alternatives is another thing which occupies Annie’s mind because of the fact that events are now reset for the year 2021, leaving them with no clear source of income for almost the entire year in 2020.
Photo credits: Annie Paz Lim