Going through posts on Facebook by my friends, I stumbled on the messages and photos of Rosemarie Enginco, retired Department of Trade & Industry (DTI) employee and wife of retired NEDA XI Regional Director Santiago Engjnco.

Rosemarie had been posting her activities at home, baking homemade bread, gardening, sewing, among other skills she does. She is also an active member of Soroptimist International Davao
We asked her what she thought of the Enhanced Community Quarantine which has been imposed in our country and our immediate barangays, and this is what she said: “COVID 19 Enhanced Community Quarantine is a very good measure to protect every individual from the possible infection of the dreadful corona virus. Staying on home quarantine gives me an opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills in cooking, baking and sewing, which I missed when I was busy working.”
What is more touching is the fact that their children are frontliners; “Moreover, like all other parents who have children in the frontline, I am deeply concerned for the safety of Jerome Santy, a nurse/doctor, Sheila Rosanne, a nurse and Ryan Santy, another nurse. While another son, Glenn Santy, an engineer, stays on home quarantine to contribute to the data report curve on Covid-19 infections flattened.”
“In this situation, we keep praying for the intercession of Mama Mary and Papa Joseph for their protection and well-being,” Rosemarie says at the end of her message.