Blessings came pouring down on couple Horace Yip and wife Christina Ibanez – Yip last April 8. It is believed by the Chinese that the number eight brings good luck, and it is proven true with the celebration we attended at the Apo View Hotel on that evening in April.

Horace Yip’s surprise birthday party turned out to be the 8th Anniversary of Love & Styles owned and managed by Christina Ibanez. Love & Styles offers beautiful gowns for weddings, balls and cocktail parties.

It was also the graduation from college of Christina’s daughter Christina, who finished her Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Major in Communication Arts from the Ateneo de Davao University. One more happy reason for the evening’s celebration was the birthday of daughter Chrisfer which made the gathering complete.

After dinner, pretty ladies and handsome male models paraded along the ramp and around the tables for guests to look more closely and appreciate the lovely gowns and cocktail dresses and the suits worn by the young male models.

Business associates and close family friends of Horace and Christina were invited to the dinner and fashion parade which made up the happy celebration.